Timing of glaciation during the last glacial cycle: evaluating the concept of a global 'Last Glacial Maximum'(LGM)
It has long been known that mountain glaciers and continental ice sheets around the globe
reached their respective maximum extent at different times during the last glacial cycle, often …
reached their respective maximum extent at different times during the last glacial cycle, often …
Contributions and unrealized potential contributions of cosmogenic-nuclide exposure dating to glacier chronology, 1990–2010
G Balco - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
This paper reviews the application of cosmogenic-nuclide exposure dating to glacier
chronology. Exposure dating of glacial landforms has made an outsize impact on this field …
chronology. Exposure dating of glacial landforms has made an outsize impact on this field …
Changes in fire regimes since the Last Glacial Maximum: an assessment based on a global synthesis and analysis of charcoal data
Fire activity has varied globally and continuously since the last glacial maximum (LGM) in
response to long-term changes in global climate and shorter-term regional changes in …
response to long-term changes in global climate and shorter-term regional changes in …
• The sustained rate of increase over the past century in the combined radiative forcing from
the three well-mixed greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous …
the three well-mixed greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous …
The CREp program and the ICE-D production rate calibration database: a fully parameterizable and updated online tool to compute cosmic-ray exposure ages
Over the last decades, cosmogenic exposure dating has permitted major advances in many
fields of Earth surface sciences and particularly in paleoglaciology. Yet, exposure age …
fields of Earth surface sciences and particularly in paleoglaciology. Yet, exposure age …
Glacial retreat in Himalaya using Indian remote sensing satellite data
AV Kulkarni, IM Bahuguna, BP Rathore, SK Singh… - Current science, 2007 - JSTOR
The Himalayas possess one of the largest resources of snow and ice, which act as a huge
freshwater reservoir. Monitoring the glaciers is important to assess the overall reservoir …
freshwater reservoir. Monitoring the glaciers is important to assess the overall reservoir …
Tectonics and climate of the southern central Andes
The history of the southern central Andes, including the world's second largest plateau and
adjacent intermontane basins and ranges of the Eastern Cordillera and the northern Sierras …
adjacent intermontane basins and ranges of the Eastern Cordillera and the northern Sierras …
Water‐stable isotopes in the LMDZ4 general circulation model: Model evaluation for present‐day and past climates and applications to climatic interpretations of …
We present simulations of water‐stable isotopes from the LMDZ general circulation model
(the LMDZ‐iso GCM) and evaluate them at different time scales (synoptic to interannual) …
(the LMDZ‐iso GCM) and evaluate them at different time scales (synoptic to interannual) …
Pleistocene glacial cycles drive isolation, gene flow and speciation in the high‐elevation Andes
Mountain ranges are amongst the most species‐rich habitats, with many large and rapid
evolutionary radiations. The tempo and mode of diversification in these systems are key …
evolutionary radiations. The tempo and mode of diversification in these systems are key …
The deglaciation of the Americas during the Last Glacial Termination
This paper reviews current understanding of deglaciation in North, Central and South
America from the Last Glacial Maximum to the beginning of the Holocene. Together with …
America from the Last Glacial Maximum to the beginning of the Holocene. Together with …