Impact of life history traits on gene flow: A multispecies systematic review across oceanographic barriers in the Mediterranean Sea
Background Marine species can demonstrate strong genetic differentiation and population
structure despite the hypothesis of open seas and high connectivity. Some suggested …
structure despite the hypothesis of open seas and high connectivity. Some suggested …
A broad‐taxa approach as an important concept in ecotoxicological studies and pollution monitoring
Aquatic invertebrates play a pivotal role in (eco) toxicological assessments because they
offer ethical, cost‐effective and repeatable testing options. Additionally, their significance in …
offer ethical, cost‐effective and repeatable testing options. Additionally, their significance in …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing plume impacts caused by polymetallic nodule mining vehicles
Deep-sea mining may be just a few years away and yet society is struggling to assess the
positive aspects, such as increasing the supply of metals for battery production to fuel the …
positive aspects, such as increasing the supply of metals for battery production to fuel the …
Sediment impacts on marine sponges
JJ Bell, E McGrath, A Biggerstaff, T Bates… - Marine pollution …, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract Changes in sediment input to marine systems can influence benthic environments
in many ways. Sponges are important components of benthic ecosystems world-wide and as …
in many ways. Sponges are important components of benthic ecosystems world-wide and as …
Sponge mass mortalities in a warming Mediterranean Sea: are cyanobacteria-harboring species worse off?
Mass mortality events are increasing dramatically in all coastal marine environments.
Determining the underlying causes of mass mortality events has proven difficult in the past …
Determining the underlying causes of mass mortality events has proven difficult in the past …
[HTML][HTML] Sponge-associated marine bacteria as indicators of heavy metal pollution
Sponges invariably filter a large volume of seawater and potentially accumulate heavy
metals and other contaminants from the environment. Sponges, being sessile marine …
metals and other contaminants from the environment. Sponges, being sessile marine …
Pollution impacts and recovery potential in three species of the genus Cystoseira (Fucales, Heterokontophyta)
Macroalgae of the genus Cystoseira are experiencing substantial decline in the
Mediterranean Sea, which has been generally attributed to increased pollution. A field …
Mediterranean Sea, which has been generally attributed to increased pollution. A field …
Aquatic zooremediation: deploying animals to remediate contaminated aquatic environments
S Gifford, RH Dunstan, W O'Connor, CE Koller… - TRENDS in …, 2007 - cell.com
The ability of animals to act in a bioremediative capacity is not widely known. Animals are
rarely considered for bioremediation initiatives owing to ethical or human health concerns …
rarely considered for bioremediation initiatives owing to ethical or human health concerns …
Marine sponges as a powerful tool for trace elements biomonitoring studies in coastal environment
In this work, we performed a comparative study on six marine sponge species collected
along the French Mediterranean and Irish coasts for their TEs accumulation. Intra and inter …
along the French Mediterranean and Irish coasts for their TEs accumulation. Intra and inter …
Tough adults, frail babies: an analysis of stress sensitivity across early life-history stages of widely introduced marine invertebrates
All ontogenetic stages of a life cycle are exposed to environmental conditions so that
population persistence depends on the performance of both adults and offspring. Most …
population persistence depends on the performance of both adults and offspring. Most …