The challenge of the new preemption
R Briffault - Stan. L. Rev., 2018 - HeinOnline
The past decade has witnessed the emergence and rapid spread of a new and aggressive
form of state preemption of local government action across a wide range of subjects …
form of state preemption of local government action across a wide range of subjects …
Land use planning and development regulation law
JC Juergensmeyer, PE Salkin, RM Rowberry - 2023 -
This Hornbook introduces the fundamentals of land use planning and control law. Subjects
covered include the planning process, zoning, development permission, subdivision control …
covered include the planning process, zoning, development permission, subdivision control …
The dilemma of localism in an era of polarization
NM Davidson - Yale LJ, 2018 - HeinOnline
Localism, the discourse of local legal power and state-local relations, has returned to the
center of national attention, driven by gridlock at the federal level and sharply rising political …
center of national attention, driven by gridlock at the federal level and sharply rising political …
Preempting politics: State power and local democracy
JS Sellers, EA Scharff - Stan. L. Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
States are increasingly responding to local governments' actions with preemptive legislation.
Scholars have tracked this trend through detailed examinations of laws preempting a variety …
Scholars have tracked this trend through detailed examinations of laws preempting a variety …
[KNYGA][B] Local government and the states: Autonomy, politics, and policy
D Berman - 2019 -
This book offers an overview of the legal, political, and broad intergovernmental
environment in which relations between local and state units of government take place, the …
environment in which relations between local and state units of government take place, the …
Preemption, federalism, and local democracy
KA Stahl - Fordham Urb. LJ, 2017 - HeinOnline
Throughout the United States, city residents are coming to the uncomfortable realization that
they have no right to local democracy. In just the past few years, state legislatures have …
they have no right to local democracy. In just the past few years, state legislatures have …
Impeding innovation: State preemption of progressive local regulations
LE Phillips - Colum. L. Rev., 2017 - HeinOnline
This Note examines and identifies recent trends in the subject matter and tactics of recent
preemption legislation. It assesses these trends using some of the purported benefits of …
preemption legislation. It assesses these trends using some of the purported benefits of …
Reorienting Home Rule: Part 2-Remedying the Urban Disadvantage Through Federalism and Localism
PA Diller - La. L. Rev., 2016 - HeinOnline
The first installment of this two-part Article series illustrated how the federal and state
lawmaking processes disadvantage urban areas.'That disadvantage accounts for the …
lawmaking processes disadvantage urban areas.'That disadvantage accounts for the …
Do local governments really have too much power? Understanding the national league of cities' principles of home rule for the 21st century
In 2020, the National League of Cities (" NLC") published the Principles of Home Rule for
the 21st Century (" Principles"),'a groundbreaking new vision of local-government legal …
the 21st Century (" Principles"),'a groundbreaking new vision of local-government legal …
Second amendment sanctuaries
SE Fields - Nw. UL REv., 2020 - HeinOnline
The term" sanctuary" has long expressed a sympathy for immigrants' rights and resistance to
federal immigration enforcement. Recently, the word has become associated with another …
federal immigration enforcement. Recently, the word has become associated with another …