[HTML][HTML] A review of applications of fuzzy sets to safety and reliability engineering
Safety and reliability are rigorously assessed during the design of dependable systems.
Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) processes are comprehensive, structured and logical …
Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) processes are comprehensive, structured and logical …
Fuzzy probability based fault tree analysis to propagate and quantify epistemic uncertainty
A number of fuzzy fault tree analysis approaches, which integrate fuzzy concepts into the
quantitative phase of conventional fault tree analysis, have been proposed to study …
quantitative phase of conventional fault tree analysis, have been proposed to study …
Analysis of air traffic incidents using event trees with fuzzy probabilities
This paper presents a methodology for analysing Air Traffic Incidents based on an estimate
of the probability of an Air Traffic Incident develo** into an Air Traffic Accident (Air Traffic …
of the probability of an Air Traffic Incident develo** into an Air Traffic Accident (Air Traffic …
α-Cut method based importance measure for criticality analysis in fuzzy probability–Based fault tree analysis
Fuzzy probability–based fault tree analysis (FPFTA) has been recently developed and
proposed to deal with the limitations of conventional fault tree analysis. In FPFTA, reliabilities …
proposed to deal with the limitations of conventional fault tree analysis. In FPFTA, reliabilities …
A fuzzy probability algorithm for evaluating the AP1000 long term cooling system to mitigate large break LOCA
JH Purba - Atom Indonesia, 2015 - atomindonesia.brin.go.id
Components of nuclear power plants do not always have historical failure data to
probabilistically evaluate their reliability characteristics. To overcome this drawback, an …
probabilistically evaluate their reliability characteristics. To overcome this drawback, an …
[HTML][HTML] Analisis Keselamatan PLTN Berbasis Probabilitas Fuzzy
JH Purba - 2023 - penerbit.brin.go.id
Teknologi PLTN dan teknologi sistem keselamatannya senantiasa berkembang seiring
dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Meskipun keandalan sistem …
dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Meskipun keandalan sistem …
[PDF][PDF] The implementation of importance measure approaches for criticality analysis in fault tree analysis: A review
Nuclear power plant probabilistic safety assessment by fuzzy approach: current states, future research directions and challenges
Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) has been widely implemented in nuclear power plant
(NPP) safety analysis. In PSA, all events are always assumed to have their own historical …
(NPP) safety analysis. In PSA, all events are always assumed to have their own historical …
[PDF][PDF] Overcoming the uncertainty in a research reactor LOCA in level-1 PSA; Fuzzy based fault-tree/event-tree analysis
M Mohsendokht, M Hashemi-Tilehnoee - Journal of Optimization in …, 2020 - journals.iau.ir
Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) which plays a crucial role in risk evaluation is a
quantitative approach intended to demonstrate how a nuclear reactor meets the safety …
quantitative approach intended to demonstrate how a nuclear reactor meets the safety …
Improved BDD Binary Logic Algorithm: Hidden BDD Algorithm
ZX Gao, ZL Wang, Y Ren, DZ Yang… - … on Quality, Reliability …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper first introduces the principle of BDD algorithm, then gives the definition of 1-
structure function and 0-structural function, and derives the 1-structure and 0-structure …
structure function and 0-structural function, and derives the 1-structure and 0-structure …