Energy efficiency and thermal comfort in historic buildings: A review
In recent years, energy efficiency and thermal comfort in historic buildings have become
high-interest topics among scholars. Research has demonstrated that retrofitting buildings to …
high-interest topics among scholars. Research has demonstrated that retrofitting buildings to …
[HTML][HTML] Comparative analysis of indoor environmental quality and self-reported productivity in intelligent and traditional buildings
ŁJ Orman, N Krawczyk, N Radek, S Honus… - Energies, 2023 -
People tend to spend considerable amounts of time in buildings; thus the issue of providing
proper indoor environmental quality is of significant importance. This paper experimentally …
proper indoor environmental quality is of significant importance. This paper experimentally …
[HTML][HTML] Optimizing daylight utilization of flat skylights in heritage buildings
Introduction Adapted reuse in old historical buildings has been a real challenge since the
state of deterioration is usually found severe, and suggested retrofitting is applied with high …
state of deterioration is usually found severe, and suggested retrofitting is applied with high …
Advanced daylighting evaluation applied to cultural heritage buildings and museums: Application to the cloister of Santa Maria El Paular
A method to evaluate the risk of using daylight in museums and cultural heritage exhibitions
is presented along this study. Although daylight is an ecological and sustainable source of …
is presented along this study. Although daylight is an ecological and sustainable source of …
Effects of indoor lighting conditions on subjective preferences of task lighting and room aesthetics in an Indian tertiary educational institution
Indoor lighting conditions influence the psychology of pupils in academic institutions and it is
expedient to investigate how subjective experiences are modulated by differences in lighting …
expedient to investigate how subjective experiences are modulated by differences in lighting …
A methodological assessment of the importance of physical values in architectural conservation using Shannon entropy method
This paper investigates the typology of physical values in terms of architectural heritage
conservation. In all scientific research on architectural heritage, one or more physical …
conservation. In all scientific research on architectural heritage, one or more physical …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluation and optimization of daylighting in heritage buildings: A case-study at high latitudes
Transforming historical listed buildings into workplaces is a serious challenge, particularly
for buildings with relatively small windows in the façades, which determine scarce …
for buildings with relatively small windows in the façades, which determine scarce …
Light power resource availability for energy harvesting photovoltaics for self-powered IoT
Abstract As the Internet of Things (IoT) expands, the need for energy-efficient, self-powered
devices increases and so a better understanding of the available energy resource is …
devices increases and so a better understanding of the available energy resource is …
Multi-criteria evaluation of a library's indoor environmental quality in the tropics
The indoor environmental quality of a library greatly affects the comfort and productivity of its
users while preserving the materials. Despite the high energy consumption of HVACs in …
users while preserving the materials. Despite the high energy consumption of HVACs in …
Lighting performance of urban vernacular architecture in the East-Mediterranean area: Field study and simulation analysis
This study aims to investigate the natural lighting performance in indoor and semi-open
spaces of urban vernacular architecture in the Mediterranean region. In vernacular …
spaces of urban vernacular architecture in the Mediterranean region. In vernacular …