[КНИГА][B] Migration of freshwater fishes
M Lucas, E Baras - 2008 - books.google.com
Recent studies have increasingly demonstrated the widespread existence of spatio-
temporal variations in the abundance and distribution of species of freshwater fishes …
temporal variations in the abundance and distribution of species of freshwater fishes …
Ecological interactions between non-native American shad and Pacific salmon: the Columbia River case study
Many ecosystems have been dramatically affected by non-native species, but not all such
species have strong deleterious effects. American shad, Alosa sapidissima, a fish species …
species have strong deleterious effects. American shad, Alosa sapidissima, a fish species …
Human disturbance causes the formation of a hybrid swarm between two naturally sympatric fish species
DJ Hasselman, EE Argo, MC McBride… - Molecular …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Most evidence for hybrid swarm formation stemming from anthropogenic habitat disturbance
comes from the breakdown of reproductive isolation between incipient species, or …
comes from the breakdown of reproductive isolation between incipient species, or …
Population structure of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in northern Europe: microsatellites revealed large‐scale spatial and temporal homogeneity
Philopatry to spawning grounds combined with well‐known migratory patterns in the flatfish
Pleuronectes platessa (plaice) has led to the hypothesis that regional populations may …
Pleuronectes platessa (plaice) has led to the hypothesis that regional populations may …
Biogeography of a southern hemisphere freshwater fish: how important is marine dispersal?
Galaxias maculatus is one of the world's most widely distributed freshwater fish. This species
has a marine‐tolerant juvenile phase, and a geographical range extending through much of …
has a marine‐tolerant juvenile phase, and a geographical range extending through much of …
Independent evolutionary origins of landlocked alewife populations and rapid parallel evolution of phenotypic traits
Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, populations occur in two discrete life‐history variants, an
anadromous form and a landlocked (freshwater resident) form. Landlocked populations …
anadromous form and a landlocked (freshwater resident) form. Landlocked populations …
[PDF][PDF] American shad in its native range
KE Limburg, KA Hattala, A Kahnle - American Fisheries Society …, 2003 - researchgate.net
The anadromous American shad Alosa sapidissima (Wilson) ranges from the St. Lawrence
River, Canada, to the St. Johns River, Florida. Once the major commercially fished species …
River, Canada, to the St. Johns River, Florida. Once the major commercially fished species …
Geochemical signatures in otoliths record natal origins of American shad
Population connectivity is a critical component in the life history dynamics of anadromous
fishes and in the persistence of local populations. We used geochemical signatures in the …
fishes and in the persistence of local populations. We used geochemical signatures in the …
Cladogenesis and loss of the marine life‐history phase in freshwater galaxiid fishes (Osmeriformes: Galaxiidae)
Abstract Switches from migratory (diadromous) to nonmigratory (freshwater) life histories are
known to have occurred repeatedly in some aquatic taxa. However, the significance of the …
known to have occurred repeatedly in some aquatic taxa. However, the significance of the …
Modeling migratory energetics of Connecticut River American shad (Alosa sapidissima): implications for the conservation of an iteroparous anadromous fish
We present a simulation model in which individual adult migrant American shad (Alosa
sapidissima) ascend the Connecticut River and spawn, and survivors return to the marine …
sapidissima) ascend the Connecticut River and spawn, and survivors return to the marine …