Authenticated access and aggregation database platform

M Felice-Steele, M Raneri, P Desaulniers… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
G06F21/6218—Protecting access to data via a platform, eg using keys or access control
rules to a system of files or objects, eg local or distributed file system or database

Database platform for realtime updating of user data from third party sources

J Manna, M Felice-Steele, M Raneri… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
G06F21/6218—Protecting access to data via a platform, eg using keys or access control
rules to a system of files or objects, eg local or distributed file system or database

User permissions for access to secure data at third-party

M Felice-Steele, M Raneri, P Desaulniers… - US Patent …, 2022 - Google Patents
G06F21/6218—Protecting access to data via a platform, eg using keys or access control
rules to a system of files or objects, eg local or distributed file system or database

Bill payment and reporting

MJ Kapczynski, MJ Dean - US Patent 9,443,268, 2016 - Google Patents
4,989,141 5,077,582 5,126,936 5,148,365 5,173,935 5,197,094 5,218,632 5,220,501
5,262,941 5,274,547 5,326,959 5,336,870 5,383,113 5,404,518 5,420,405 5,457,305 …

Payment reporting systems

MJ Kapczynski, MJ Dean - US Patent 10,325,314, 2019 - Google Patents
6, 510, 451 B2 1/2003 Wu et al. 6, 516, 190 B1 2/2003 Linkola 6, 523, 021 B1 2/2003
Monberg et al. 6, 523, 041 B1 2/2003 Morgan et al. 6, 539, 377 B1 3/2003 Culliss 6, 539 …

Bill payment and reporting

MJ Kapczynski, MJ Dean - US Patent 10,269,065, 2019 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system for processing bill payments from a consumer to one or more
creditors may provide the consumer with a credit report and options to make payments on …

Authenticated access and aggregation database platform

M Felice-Steele, M Raneri, P Desaulniers… - US Patent …, 2024 - Google Patents
A data processing system is disclosed for data processing, including database and file
management, as well accessing one or more databases or other data structures …

Database platform for realtime updating of user data from third party sources

J Manna, M Felice-Steele, M Raneri… - US Patent …, 2022 - Google Patents
G06F21/6218—Protecting access to data via a platform, eg using keys or access control
rules to a system of files or objects, eg local or distributed file system or database

Payment application framework

DC Hougland, M At-Taras, JA Korosec - US Patent 8,751,387, 2014 - Google Patents
G06O40/00(2012.01) G06O20/00(2012.01)(57) ABSTRACT G06O40/02(2012.01)
G06O20/10(2012.01) Embodiments of the present invention provide a payment (52) US Cl …

Methods, apparatus, and systems for supporting purchases of goods and services via prepaid telecommunication accounts

F Valdes, O Carlsen - US Patent 8,799,092, 2014 - Google Patents
Apparatus and method for detecting in real-time when a User of a prepaid
telecommunications account tries to complete a data, Voice or financial transaction to …