Paper recommender systems: a literature survey
In the last 16 years, more than 200 research articles were published about research-paper
recommender systems. We reviewed these articles and present some descriptive statistics in …
recommender systems. We reviewed these articles and present some descriptive statistics in …
Context-aware recommender system: A review of recent developmental process and future research direction
Intelligent data handling techniques are beneficial for users; to store, process, analyze and
access the vast amount of information produced by electronic and automated devices. The …
access the vast amount of information produced by electronic and automated devices. The …
Scientific paper recommendation: A survey
Globally, the recommendation services have become important due to the fact that they
support e-commerce applications and different research communities. Recommender …
support e-commerce applications and different research communities. Recommender …
On unexpectedness in recommender systems: Or how to better expect the unexpected
Although the broad social and business success of recommender systems has been
achieved across several domains, there is still a long way to go in terms of user satisfaction …
achieved across several domains, there is still a long way to go in terms of user satisfaction …
Serendipitous recommendation in e-commerce using innovator-based collaborative filtering
Collaborative filtering (CF) algorithms have been widely used to build recommender
systems since they have distinguishing capability of sharing collective wisdoms and …
systems since they have distinguishing capability of sharing collective wisdoms and …
Recommending scientific paper via heterogeneous knowledge embedding based attentive recurrent neural networks
Tremendous academic information causes serious information overload problems while
supporting scientific research. Scientific paper and citation recommendation systems have …
supporting scientific research. Scientific paper and citation recommendation systems have …
A collaborative approach for research paper recommender system
Research paper recommenders emerged over the last decade to ease finding publications
relating to researchers' area of interest. The challenge was not just to provide researchers …
relating to researchers' area of interest. The challenge was not just to provide researchers …
Scientific paper recommendation systems: a literature review of recent publications
Scientific writing builds upon already published papers. Manual identification of publications
to read, cite or consider as related papers relies on a researcher's ability to identify fitting …
to read, cite or consider as related papers relies on a researcher's ability to identify fitting …
Scholarly recommendation systems: a literature survey
A scholarly recommendation system is an important tool for identifying prior and related
resources such as literature, datasets, grants, and collaborators. A well-designed scholarly …
resources such as literature, datasets, grants, and collaborators. A well-designed scholarly …
An anatomization of research paper recommender system: Overview, approaches and challenges
The purpose of this study is to present an exhaustive analysis on research paper
recommender systems which have become very popular and gained a lot of research …
recommender systems which have become very popular and gained a lot of research …