[HTML][HTML] The nature and variety of innovation
M Edwards-Schachter - International Journal of Innovation Studies, 2018 - Elsevier
What is our current understanding of innovation and how many types of innovation do we
know? Broadly, innovation landscapes are characterized by well-established categories …
know? Broadly, innovation landscapes are characterized by well-established categories …
Changing perspectives on the internationalization of R&D and innovation by multinational enterprises: A review of the literature
Internationalization of R&D and innovation by multinational enterprises (MNEs) has
undergone a gradual and comprehensive change in perspective over the past 50 years …
undergone a gradual and comprehensive change in perspective over the past 50 years …
The structural resha** of globalization: Implications for strategic sectors, profiting from innovation, and the multinational enterprise
The rapid resha** of the global economic order requires fundamental shifts in
international business scholarship and management practice. New forms of protectionist …
international business scholarship and management practice. New forms of protectionist …
[HTML][HTML] Responses of FDI to geopolitical risks: The role of governance, information, and technology
We show that rising geopolitical risk and geopolitical uncertainty (GPR) deter foreign direct
investment (FDI). We further explore the role of governance, information, and technology in …
investment (FDI). We further explore the role of governance, information, and technology in …
Linking transformational leadership and frugal innovation: the mediating role of tacit and explicit knowledge sharing
H Lei, L Gui, PB Le - Journal of Knowledge Management, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose Given the important role of frugal innovation for firms in the develo** and
emerging countries, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of transformational …
emerging countries, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of transformational …
What is frugal innovation? Three defining criteria
T Weyrauch, C Herstatt - Journal of frugal innovation, 2017 - Springer
Recently, the innovation management literature has witnessed a rising interest in the so-
called frugal innovation. The term was initially discussed in the context of emerging markets …
called frugal innovation. The term was initially discussed in the context of emerging markets …
Frugal innovation: A review and research agenda
M Hossain - Journal of cleaner production, 2018 - Elsevier
This study aims to review the frugal innovation literature in order to understand the main
sources, theories, and overlap** concepts, as well as the input, success factors, impeding …
sources, theories, and overlap** concepts, as well as the input, success factors, impeding …
Business models for sustainable innovation–an empirical analysis of frugal products and services
Sustainable innovations are inventions providing an essential progress concerning social,
economic and ecological concerns. The emergence of Base of the Pyramid markets and the …
economic and ecological concerns. The emergence of Base of the Pyramid markets and the …
Frugal approach to innovation: State of the art and future perspectives
A Pisoni, L Michelini, G Martignoni - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018 - Elsevier
Frugal innovation has recently become a relevant topic in the public domain. The real
challenge for frugal innovation is to introduce something new or different (innovating) whilst …
challenge for frugal innovation is to introduce something new or different (innovating) whilst …
Frugal innovations: A multidisciplinary review & agenda for future research
Frugal innovation is about achieving more value while using fewer resources. This concept
has found application across multiple domains, ranging from healthcare and transport to …
has found application across multiple domains, ranging from healthcare and transport to …