Applications of selective neutrality tests to molecular ecology

MJ Ford - Molecular Ecology, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
This paper reviews how statistical tests of neutrality have been used to address questions in
molecular ecology are reviewed. The work consists of four major parts: a brief review of the …

Latitudinal clines inDrosophila melanogaster: Body size, allozyme frequencies, inversion frequencies, and the insulin-signalling pathway

G De Jong, Z Bochdanovits - Journal of genetics, 2003 - Springer
Many latitudinal clines exist in Drosophila melanogaster: in adult body size, in allele
frequency at allozyme loci, and in frequencies of common cosmopolitan inversions. The …

Experimental evolution reveals natural selection on standing genetic variation

H Teotónio, IM Chelo, M Bradić, MR Rose, AD Long - Nature genetics, 2009 -
Evolution depends on genetic variation generated by mutation or recombination from
standing genetic variation. In sexual organisms, little is known about the molecular …

Population structure in the Atlantic salmon: insights from 40 years of research into genetic protein variation

E Verspoor, JA Beardmore, S Consuegra… - Journal of Fish …, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Electrophoretic studies of proteins remain a primary source of insight into genetic diversity in
many species including the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, one of the most culturally and …

Single-locus latitudinal clines and their relationship to temperate adaptation in metabolic genes and derived alleles in Drosophila melanogaster

E Sezgin, DD Duvernell, LM Matzkin, Y Duan, CT Zhu… - Genetics, 2004 -
We report a study in Drosophila melanogaster of latitudinal clines for 23 SNPs embedded in
13 genes (Pgi, Gapdh1, UGPase, Pglym78, Pglym87, Eno, Men, Gdh, Sod, Pgk, Mdh1, TreS …

Genome-wide association and transcriptome analysis provide the SNPs and molecular insights into the hypoxia tolerance in large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea …

J Ding, Z Gao, J Wang, Y Zhang, X Wang, X Wu, J Zhu… - Aquaculture, 2023 - Elsevier
The large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) is a commercially important marine fish
indigenous to the southeastern coast of China. Cultured L. crocea is frequently subjected to …

The evolution of molecular genetic pathways and networks

JM Cork, MD Purugganan - Bioessays, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
There is growing interest in the evolutionary dynamics of molecular genetic pathways and
networks, and the extent to which the molecular evolution of a gene depends on its position …

Map** determinants of variation in energy metabolism, respiration and flight in Drosophila

KL Montooth, JH Marden, AG Clark - Genetics, 2003 -
We employed quantitative trait locus (QTL) map** to dissect the genetic architecture of a
hierarchy of functionally related physiological traits, including metabolic enzyme activity …

DNA sequence variation and latitudinal associations in hsp23, hsp26 and hsp27 from natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster

J Frydenberg, AA Hoffmann, V Loeschcke - Molecular Ecology, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Heat shock genes are considered to be likely candidate genes for environmental stress
resistance. Nucleotide variation in the coding sequence of the small heat shock genes …

Adaptive Evolution of Metabolic Pathways in Drosophila

JM Flowers, E Sezgin, S Kumagai… - Molecular biology …, 2007 -
The adaptive significance of enzyme variation has been of central interest in population
genetics. Yet, how natural selection operates on enzymes in the larger context of …