[HTML][HTML] Towards a typology of intermediaries in sustainability transitions: A systematic review and a research agenda
Intermediary actors have been proposed as key catalysts that speed up change towards
more sustainable socio-technical systems. Research on this topic has gradually gained …
more sustainable socio-technical systems. Research on this topic has gradually gained …
[HTML][HTML] Passing the baton: How intermediaries advance sustainability transitions in different phases
Recently, increasing attention has been paid to intermediaries, actors connecting multiple
other actors, in transition processes. Research has highlighted that intermediary actors (eg …
other actors, in transition processes. Research has highlighted that intermediary actors (eg …
[HTML][HTML] Creating innovative zero carbon homes in the United Kingdom—Intermediaries and champions in building projects
A transition to zero carbon buildings is needed for mitigating climate change. Yet, it is far
from gaining sufficient momentum in many countries, particularly the United Kingdom. This …
from gaining sufficient momentum in many countries, particularly the United Kingdom. This …
Rakennusalan kilpailukyky ja rakentamisen laatu Suomessa
A Ahonen, J Juha-Matti, J Puhto, J Ali-Yrkkö, A Avela… - 2020 - julkaisut.valtioneuvosto.fi
Tässä tutkimuksessa arvioidaan rakennusalan kilpailukykyä ja rakentamisen laatua
määrittäviä tekijöitä. Rakennusalan toiminta hajautuu arvoketjuihin, jotka kytkevät toisiinsa …
määrittäviä tekijöitä. Rakennusalan toiminta hajautuu arvoketjuihin, jotka kytkevät toisiinsa …
Exploring the influence of socio-historical constructs on BIM implementation: an activity theory perspective
Abstract Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been widely seen as bringing a paradigm
change to the construction industry. However, scholars have acknowledged that neither …
change to the construction industry. However, scholars have acknowledged that neither …
[HTML][HTML] Roadmap for the transition to biogenic building materials: a socio-technical analysis of barriers and drivers in the Danish construction industry
The threat of climate change and global resource scarcity has prompted changes in the way
that goods are produced and consumed in the construction industry. An important way for …
that goods are produced and consumed in the construction industry. An important way for …
Diffusion of a systemic innovation: a longitudinal case study of a Swedish multi-storey timber housebuilding system
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify factors that influence the diffusion of a
systemic innovation in the Swedish construction sector. The focus is on high-rise multi-storey …
systemic innovation in the Swedish construction sector. The focus is on high-rise multi-storey …
A transition to green buildings in Norway
H Nykamp - Environmental innovation and societal transitions, 2017 - Elsevier
Energy use in buildings is a significant contributor to climate change. The purpose of this
paper is to explore industrial changes towards sustainability in the Norwegian construction …
paper is to explore industrial changes towards sustainability in the Norwegian construction …
[KNIHA][B] Construction innovation
Construction innovation is an important but contested concept, both in industry practice and
academic reflection and research. A fundamental reason for this is the nature of the …
academic reflection and research. A fundamental reason for this is the nature of the …
Architects' perception of the innovativeness of the Swedish construction industry
K Hemström, K Mahapatra, L Gustavsson - Construction innovation, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose The aim of this paper is to enhance the understanding of architects' perceptions of
the propensity to adopt innovations in building construction. Design/methodology/approach …
the propensity to adopt innovations in building construction. Design/methodology/approach …