Metacognitive difficulties faced by novice programmers in automated assessment tools
Most novice programmers are not explicitly aware of the problem-solving process used to
approach programming problems and cannot articulate to an instructor where they are in …
approach programming problems and cannot articulate to an instructor where they are in …
Automated feedback for participants of hands-on cybersecurity training
Computer-supported learning technologies are essential for conducting hands-on
cybersecurity training. These technologies create environments that emulate a realistic IT …
cybersecurity training. These technologies create environments that emulate a realistic IT …
Executable examples for programming problem comprehension
J Wrenn, S Krishnamurthi - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM conference on …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
Flawed problem comprehension leads students to produce flawed implementations.
However, testing alone is inadequate for checking comprehension: if a student develops …
However, testing alone is inadequate for checking comprehension: if a student develops …
[CARTE][B] Teaching Tech Together: How to Make your lessons work and build a teaching community around them
G Wilson - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Hundreds of grassroots groups have sprung up around the world to teach programming,
web design, robotics, and other skills outside traditional classrooms. These groups exist so …
web design, robotics, and other skills outside traditional classrooms. These groups exist so …
Automatic generation and marking of UML database design diagrams
Interactive question systems improve student engagement and provide opportunities for
increased practice and skill mastery. Develo** database design diagrams is a key skill for …
increased practice and skill mastery. Develo** database design diagrams is a key skill for …
Neuroevolution-based generation of tests and oracles for games
Game-like programs have become increasingly popular in many software engineering
domains such as mobile apps, web applications, or programming education. However …
domains such as mobile apps, web applications, or programming education. However …
A comparison of inquiry-based conceptual feedback vs. traditional detailed feedback mechanisms in software testing education: an empirical investigation
The feedback provided by current testing education tools about the deficiencies in a
student's test suite either mimics industry code coverage tools or lists specific instructor test …
student's test suite either mimics industry code coverage tools or lists specific instructor test …
Studying the impact of auto-graders giving immediate feedback in programming assignments
J Mitra - Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Immediate feedback from auto-graders positively impacts students' grades and self-efficacy
in introductory programming courses. However, recent research has observed that students …
in introductory programming courses. However, recent research has observed that students …
Effectiveness of real-time feedback and instructive hints in graduate cs courses via automated grading system
HH Lee - Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
In this paper, we present our findings on enhancing personalized learning with the help of
our real-time automated grading system for a graduate-level CS course. In this course …
our real-time automated grading system for a graduate-level CS course. In this course …
Teaching practices of software testing in programming education
LP Scatalon, RE Garcia… - 2020 IEEE Frontiers in …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This Research Full Paper presents an overview of the practices that have been used to
integrate software testing into programming education. Introductory programming courses …
integrate software testing into programming education. Introductory programming courses …