Waste materials for wastewater treatment and waste adsorbents for biofuel and cement supplement applications: a critical review
A pragmatic shift is ongoing in waste material management and wastewater treatment
technology due to the large amount of waste production worldwide and the necessity for …
technology due to the large amount of waste production worldwide and the necessity for …
Life cycle assessment, energy balance and sensitivity analysis of bioethanol production from microalgae in a tropical country
Overuse of petroleum and ongoing carbon-di-oxide (CO 2) rise in the air of Brunei
Darussalam has been emerged as a major environmental concern in this country. To …
Darussalam has been emerged as a major environmental concern in this country. To …
Synthesis and characterization of rice husk biochar via hydrothermal carbonization for wastewater treatment and biofuel production
The recent implication of circular economy in Australia spurred the demand for waste
material utilization for value-added product generations on a commercial scale. Therefore …
material utilization for value-added product generations on a commercial scale. Therefore …
An overview of catalytic conversion of CO2 into fuels and chemicals using metal organic frameworks
Abundant CO 2 emissions from industries and the transportation sector cause an alarming
threat to the planet due to overwhelming concerns over CO 2 induced climate change. To …
threat to the planet due to overwhelming concerns over CO 2 induced climate change. To …
[HTML][HTML] Feasibility of microalgae as feedstock for alternative fuel in Malaysia: A review
Biodiesel is an attractive fuel replacement for diesel engine in Malaysia. The application of
biodiesel as fuel-blend has been implemented commercially in transport sector in the …
biodiesel as fuel-blend has been implemented commercially in transport sector in the …
Intermediate pyrolysis of Acacia cincinnata and Acacia holosericea species for bio-oil and biochar production
Ever-increasing energy requirements coupled with the desire to cope with global warming
have motivated researchers to look for alternative energy resources. Lignocellulosic …
have motivated researchers to look for alternative energy resources. Lignocellulosic …
Elemental, morphological and thermal analysis of mixed microalgae species from drain water
In this study, Stigonematales sp. microalgae were collected from drain water and
characterized for its' morphological edifice, elemental composition, thermal condition and …
characterized for its' morphological edifice, elemental composition, thermal condition and …
[HTML][HTML] Experimental investigation, techno-economic analysis and environmental impact of bioethanol production from banana stem
Banana stem is being considered as the second largest waste biomass in Malaysia.
Therefore, the environmental challenge of managing this huge amount of biomass as well …
Therefore, the environmental challenge of managing this huge amount of biomass as well …
Co-pelletization of microalgae-sewage sludge blend with sub-bituminous coal as solid fuel feedstock
Microalgae have been appeared as excellent source of bioenergy recently in Brunei
Darussalam due to the favorable growth conditions, while sewage sludge emerged as major …
Darussalam due to the favorable growth conditions, while sewage sludge emerged as major …
[PDF][PDF] Characterisation and thermochemical conversion of rice husk for biochar production
We present a thermochemical conversion of four varieties of rice husk samples ie Laila
(ARH), Pusu (BRH), Bandul Beminyak (CRH) and Sendakan (DRH), collected from Brunei …
(ARH), Pusu (BRH), Bandul Beminyak (CRH) and Sendakan (DRH), collected from Brunei …