Renewable energy-to-green hydrogen: A review of main resources routes, processes and evaluation
Hydrogen is a fuel with enormous potential to meet the need for ecologically friendly energy
sources. Hydrogen from renewable sources can reroute renewable sources out of landfills …
sources. Hydrogen from renewable sources can reroute renewable sources out of landfills …
An overview of hydrogen production: current status, potential, and challenges
Hydrogen as an energy carrier can provide a long term solution to the problem of
sustainable supply of cleaner and environmentally friendly fuel. Hydrogen finds extensive …
sustainable supply of cleaner and environmentally friendly fuel. Hydrogen finds extensive …
Biomass gasification for sustainable energy production: A review
Gasification process is considered as one of the best routes of energy recovery from
biomass by producing syngas mostly including H 2, CO, and CH 4. Biomass as the main …
biomass by producing syngas mostly including H 2, CO, and CH 4. Biomass as the main …
Methanol fuel production, utilization, and techno-economy: a review
Climate change and the unsustainability of fossil fuels are calling for cleaner energies such
as methanol as a fuel. Methanol is one of the simplest molecules for energy storage and is …
as methanol as a fuel. Methanol is one of the simplest molecules for energy storage and is …
Characteristics of hydrogen production from steam gasification of plant-originated lignocellulosic biomass and its prospects in Vietnam
Demands for the decline of CO 2 emissions resulted in a significant transformation of the
energy systems working on carbon sources towards more sustainable, clean, and …
energy systems working on carbon sources towards more sustainable, clean, and …
Review on catalytic biomass gasification for hydrogen production as a sustainable energy form and social, technological, economic, environmental, and political …
Sustainable energy production is a worldwide concern due to the adverse effects and limited
availability of fossil fuels, requiring the development of suitable environmentally friendly …
availability of fossil fuels, requiring the development of suitable environmentally friendly …
Recent developments and current trends on catalytic dry reforming of Methane: Hydrogen Production, thermodynamics analysis, techno feasibility, and machine …
Dry reforming of methane (DRM) offers a promising pathway for sustainable fuel production
by converting greenhouse gases, including CO 2 and CH 4, into valuable syngas (H 2 and …
by converting greenhouse gases, including CO 2 and CH 4, into valuable syngas (H 2 and …
A review of biomass gasification modelling
Currently around 10% of all energy generated worldwide comes from biomass. Most of this
10% is biofuel energy from the fermentation of corn and sugarcane. Fermentation of corn …
10% is biofuel energy from the fermentation of corn and sugarcane. Fermentation of corn …
Combined biomass gasification, SOFC, IC engine, and waste heat recovery system for power and heat generation: Energy, exergy, exergoeconomic, environmental …
A novel hybrid system using biomass as fuel for both power and heat generation, which
consists of biomass gasification unit, solid oxide fuel cell, homogeneous charge …
consists of biomass gasification unit, solid oxide fuel cell, homogeneous charge …
Recent advances in thermodynamic analysis of biomass gasification: A review on numerical modelling and simulation
Due to environmental and economic advantages, the production and utilization of
renewable and eco-friendly fuels derived from residues have received attention globally …
renewable and eco-friendly fuels derived from residues have received attention globally …