An optimal chance constraint multivariate stratified sampling design using auxiliary information

N Gupta, I Ali, A Bari - Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in …, 2014 - Springer
When we are dealing with multivariate problem then we need an allocation which is optimal
for all the characteristics in some sense because the individual optimum allocations usually …

Compromise optimum allocation in neutrosophic multi-character survey under stratified random sampling using neutrosophic fuzzy programming

A Ullah, J Shabbir, AM Alomair, FK Alarfaj - Heliyon, 2024 -
Survey sampling has wide range of applications in social and scientific investigation to draw
inference about the unknown parameter of interest. In complex surveys, the sample …

[PDF][PDF] An optimum multivariate stratified sampling design

S Iftekhar, MJ Ahsan, QM Ali - Research Journal of Mathematical and …, 2015 -
This article deals with the problem of find a single usable allocation which is suits all the
characteristics involved in a multivariate stratified random sampling. The idea is to minimize …

Nonlinear stochastic multiobjective optimization problem in multivariate stratified sampling design

SSA Alshqaq, AAH Ahmadini… - Mathematical Problems in …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Decision‐making in survey sampling planning is a tricky situation; sometimes it involves
multiple objectives, with various decision variables emanating from heterogeneous and …

Multiobjective intuitionistic fuzzy programming under pessimistic and optimistic applications in multivariate stratified sample allocation problems

YS Raghav, A Haq, I Ali - Plos one, 2023 -
This study investigates the compromise allocation of multivariate stratified sampling with
complete response and nonresponse. We have formulated a multivariate stratified sampling …

Compromise allocation problem in multivariate stratified sampling with flexible fuzzy goals

A Haq, I Ali, R Varshney - Journal of Statistical Computation and …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
In a multivariate stratified sample survey, we assumed p-characteristics which are to be
measured on each unit of the population and the population is further subdivided into L …

[PDF][PDF] A compromise solution for multi-objective chance constraint capacitated transportation problem

N Gupta, I Ali, A Bari - ProbStat Forum, 2013 -
In this paper Goal programming and D1-Distance approach is used to solve a chance
constraint multi-objective capacitated transportation problem. Generally, the capacity of each …

Fuzzy multi-objective optimization for optimum allocation in multivariate stratified sampling with quadratic cost and parabolic fuzzy numbers

N Gupta, A Bari - Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This article deals with the uncertainties in a multivariate stratified sampling problem. The
uncertain parameters of the problem, such as stratum standard deviations, measurement …

A hierarchical multi-level model for compromise allocation in multivariate stratified sample surveys with non-response problem

SA Jalil, A Haq, A Al Owad, N Hashmi… - Knowledge-Based …, 2023 - Elsevier
Stratified sampling, a widely-applicable probabilistic technique, is especially suited for large
and heterogeneously distributed populations. This paper studies optimal allocation of …

Multiobjective stochastic multivariate stratified sampling in presence of nonresponse

S Haseen, I Ali, A Bari - Communications in Statistics-Simulation …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
The case of nonresponse in multivariate stratified sampling survey was first introduced by
Hansen and Hurwitz in 1946 considering the sampling variances and costs to be …