An optimal chance constraint multivariate stratified sampling design using auxiliary information
When we are dealing with multivariate problem then we need an allocation which is optimal
for all the characteristics in some sense because the individual optimum allocations usually …
for all the characteristics in some sense because the individual optimum allocations usually …
Compromise optimum allocation in neutrosophic multi-character survey under stratified random sampling using neutrosophic fuzzy programming
Survey sampling has wide range of applications in social and scientific investigation to draw
inference about the unknown parameter of interest. In complex surveys, the sample …
inference about the unknown parameter of interest. In complex surveys, the sample …
[PDF][PDF] An optimum multivariate stratified sampling design
S Iftekhar, MJ Ahsan, QM Ali - Research Journal of Mathematical and …, 2015 -
This article deals with the problem of find a single usable allocation which is suits all the
characteristics involved in a multivariate stratified random sampling. The idea is to minimize …
characteristics involved in a multivariate stratified random sampling. The idea is to minimize …
Nonlinear stochastic multiobjective optimization problem in multivariate stratified sampling design
Decision‐making in survey sampling planning is a tricky situation; sometimes it involves
multiple objectives, with various decision variables emanating from heterogeneous and …
multiple objectives, with various decision variables emanating from heterogeneous and …
Multiobjective intuitionistic fuzzy programming under pessimistic and optimistic applications in multivariate stratified sample allocation problems
This study investigates the compromise allocation of multivariate stratified sampling with
complete response and nonresponse. We have formulated a multivariate stratified sampling …
complete response and nonresponse. We have formulated a multivariate stratified sampling …
Compromise allocation problem in multivariate stratified sampling with flexible fuzzy goals
In a multivariate stratified sample survey, we assumed p-characteristics which are to be
measured on each unit of the population and the population is further subdivided into L …
measured on each unit of the population and the population is further subdivided into L …
[PDF][PDF] A compromise solution for multi-objective chance constraint capacitated transportation problem
In this paper Goal programming and D1-Distance approach is used to solve a chance
constraint multi-objective capacitated transportation problem. Generally, the capacity of each …
constraint multi-objective capacitated transportation problem. Generally, the capacity of each …
Fuzzy multi-objective optimization for optimum allocation in multivariate stratified sampling with quadratic cost and parabolic fuzzy numbers
N Gupta, A Bari - Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This article deals with the uncertainties in a multivariate stratified sampling problem. The
uncertain parameters of the problem, such as stratum standard deviations, measurement …
uncertain parameters of the problem, such as stratum standard deviations, measurement …
A hierarchical multi-level model for compromise allocation in multivariate stratified sample surveys with non-response problem
Stratified sampling, a widely-applicable probabilistic technique, is especially suited for large
and heterogeneously distributed populations. This paper studies optimal allocation of …
and heterogeneously distributed populations. This paper studies optimal allocation of …
Multiobjective stochastic multivariate stratified sampling in presence of nonresponse
S Haseen, I Ali, A Bari - Communications in Statistics-Simulation …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
The case of nonresponse in multivariate stratified sampling survey was first introduced by
Hansen and Hurwitz in 1946 considering the sampling variances and costs to be …
Hansen and Hurwitz in 1946 considering the sampling variances and costs to be …