Dark silicon and the end of multicore scaling
Since 2005, processor designers have increased core counts to exploit Moore's Law
scaling, rather than focusing on single-core performance. The failure of Dennard scaling, to …
scaling, rather than focusing on single-core performance. The failure of Dennard scaling, to …
Powerpack: Energy profiling and analysis of high-performance systems and applications
Energy efficiency is a major concern in modern high-performance computing system design.
In the past few years, there has been mounting evidence that power usage limits system …
In the past few years, there has been mounting evidence that power usage limits system …
Survey of energy-cognizant scheduling techniques
Execution time is no longer the only metric by which computational systems are judged. In
fact, explicitly sacrificing raw performance in exchange for energy savings is becoming a …
fact, explicitly sacrificing raw performance in exchange for energy savings is becoming a …
Amdahl's law in the context of heterogeneous many‐core systems–a survey
For over 50 years, Amdahl's Law has been the hallmark model for reasoning about
performance bounds for homogeneous parallel computing resources. As heterogeneous …
performance bounds for homogeneous parallel computing resources. As heterogeneous …
Performance optimal online DVFS and task migration techniques for thermally constrained multi-core processors
Extracting high performance from multi-core processors requires increased use of thermal
management techniques. In contrast to offline thermal management techniques, online …
management techniques. In contrast to offline thermal management techniques, online …
On the interplay of parallelization, program performance, and energy consumption
This paper derives simple, yet fundamental formulas to describe the interplay between
parallelism of an application, program performance, and energy consumption. Given the …
parallelism of an application, program performance, and energy consumption. Given the …
Fundamental energy cost of finite-time parallelizable computing
The fundamental energy cost of irreversible computing is given by the Landauer bound of k
T ln 2/bit, where k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature in Kelvin. However …
T ln 2/bit, where k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature in Kelvin. However …
Temperature-aware DVFS for hard real-time applications on multicore processors
This paper addresses the problem of determining the feasible speeds and voltages of
multicore processors with hard real-time and temperature constraints. This is an important …
multicore processors with hard real-time and temperature constraints. This is an important …
Power limitations and dark silicon challenge the future of multicore
Since 2004, processor designers have increased core counts to exploit Moore's Law
scaling, rather than focusing on single-core performance. The failure of Dennard scaling, to …
scaling, rather than focusing on single-core performance. The failure of Dennard scaling, to …
Folklore Confirmed: Compiling for Speed Compiling for Energy
As we move towards exa-scale computing, energy is becoming increasingly important, even
in the high performance computing arena. However, the simple equation, Energy= Power …
in the high performance computing arena. However, the simple equation, Energy= Power …