Experiments in stochastic thermodynamics: Short history and perspectives
S Ciliberto - Physical Review X, 2017 - APS
We summarize in this article the experiments which have been performed to test the
theoretical findings in stochastic thermodynamics such as fluctuation theorem, Jarzynski …
theoretical findings in stochastic thermodynamics such as fluctuation theorem, Jarzynski …
Irreversibility and biased ensembles in active matter: Insights from stochastic thermodynamics
Active systems evade the rules of equilibrium thermodynamics by constantly dissipating
energy at the level of their microscopic components. This energy flux stems from the …
energy at the level of their microscopic components. This energy flux stems from the …
[BOK][B] Stochastic thermodynamics: an introduction
L Peliti, S Pigolotti - 2021 - books.google.com
The first comprehensive graduate-level introduction to stochastic thermodynamics
Stochastic thermodynamics is a well-defined subfield of statistical physics that aims to …
Stochastic thermodynamics is a well-defined subfield of statistical physics that aims to …
[BOK][B] Quantum Thermodynamics: An introduction to the thermodynamics of quantum information
S Deffner, S Campbell - 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
This book introduces the emerging field of quantum thermodynamics, with a focus on its
relation to quantum information and its implications for quantum computers and next …
relation to quantum information and its implications for quantum computers and next …
Statistical mechanics of active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particles
We study the statistical properties of active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particles (AOUPs). In this
simplest of models, the Gaussian white noise of overdamped Brownian colloids is replaced …
simplest of models, the Gaussian white noise of overdamped Brownian colloids is replaced …
How far from equilibrium is active matter?
Active matter systems are driven out of thermal equilibrium by a lack of generalized Stokes-
Einstein relation between injection and dissipation of energy at the microscopic scale. We …
Einstein relation between injection and dissipation of energy at the microscopic scale. We …
Dissipation bounds all steady-state current fluctuations
Near equilibrium, small current fluctuations are described by a Gaussian distribution with a
linear-response variance regulated by the dissipation. Here, we demonstrate that dissipation …
linear-response variance regulated by the dissipation. Here, we demonstrate that dissipation …
Thermodynamic uncertainty relation for biomolecular processes
AC Barato, U Seifert - Physical review letters, 2015 - APS
Biomolecular systems like molecular motors or pumps, transcription and translation
machinery, and other enzymatic reactions, can be described as Markov processes on a …
machinery, and other enzymatic reactions, can be described as Markov processes on a …
Time irreversibility in active matter, from micro to macro
Active matter encompasses systems whose individual constituents dissipate energy to exert
propelling forces on their environment. These systems exhibit dynamical phenomena with …
propelling forces on their environment. These systems exhibit dynamical phenomena with …
Active matter under control: Insights from response theory
Active constituents burn fuel to sustain individual motion, giving rise to collective effects that
are not seen in systems at thermal equilibrium, such as phase separation with purely …
are not seen in systems at thermal equilibrium, such as phase separation with purely …