From molecules to populations: appreciating and estimating recombination rate variation
Recombination is a central biological process with implications for many areas in the life
sciences. Yet we are only beginning to appreciate variation in the recombination rate along …
sciences. Yet we are only beginning to appreciate variation in the recombination rate along …
African genetic diversity: implications for human demographic history, modern human origins, and complex disease map**
Comparative studies of ethnically diverse human populations, particularly in Africa, are
important for reconstructing human evolutionary history and for understanding the genetic …
important for reconstructing human evolutionary history and for understanding the genetic …
Linkage disequilibrium and association studies in higher plants: present status and future prospects
During the last two decades, DNA-based molecular markers have been extensively utilized
for a variety of studies in both plant and animal systems. One of the major uses of these …
for a variety of studies in both plant and animal systems. One of the major uses of these …
Implications of biogeography of human populations for'race'and medicine
SA Tishkoff, KK Kidd - Nature genetics, 2004 -
In this review, we focus on the biogeographical distribution of genetic variation and address
whether or not populations cluster according to the popular concept of'race'. We show that …
whether or not populations cluster according to the popular concept of'race'. We show that …
Forensically relevant SNP classes
B Budowle, A Van Daal - Biotechniques, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Forensic samples that contain too little template DNA or are too degraded require alternate
genetic marker analyses or approaches to what is currently used for routine casework …
genetic marker analyses or approaches to what is currently used for routine casework …
CYP2D6 worldwide genetic variation shows high frequency of altered activity variants and no continental structure
Methods A total of 1060 individuals belonging to 52 worldwide-distributed populations were
genotyped at 12 highly informative variable sites, as well as for gene deletion and …
genotyped at 12 highly informative variable sites, as well as for gene deletion and …
Multiple sclerosis: genetics, biomarkers, treatments
Breakthroughs in the field of multiple sclerosis have led to a better understanding of the
physiopathology of the disease, follow up, and treatment of the patients that develop …
physiopathology of the disease, follow up, and treatment of the patients that develop …
[HTML][HTML] Influence of the bioactive diet components on the gene expression regulation
Diet bioactive components, in the concept of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics, consist of food
constituents, which can transfer information from the external environment and influence …
constituents, which can transfer information from the external environment and influence …
Hydroxyl stereochemistry and amine number within poly (glycoamidoamine) s affect intracellular DNA delivery
Y Liu, TM Reineke - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005 - ACS Publications
Nucleic acid drugs have great potential to treat many devastating aliments, but their
application has been hindered by the lack of efficacious and nontoxic delivery vehicles …
application has been hindered by the lack of efficacious and nontoxic delivery vehicles …
Pharmacogenetic variation at CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP2D6 at global and microgeographic scales
Objectives CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP2D6 belong to a subfamily of cytochrome P450
(CYP) enzymes, associated mainly with the metabolism of exogenous compounds in the …
(CYP) enzymes, associated mainly with the metabolism of exogenous compounds in the …