Neurophysiology of performance monitoring and adaptive behavior
Successful goal-directed behavior requires not only correct action selection, planning, and
execution but also the ability to flexibly adapt behavior when performance problems occur or …
execution but also the ability to flexibly adapt behavior when performance problems occur or …
From conflict management to reward-based decision making: actors and critics in primate medial frontal cortex
The role of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and especially the anterior cingulate cortex
has been the subject of intense debate for the last decade. A number of theories have been …
has been the subject of intense debate for the last decade. A number of theories have been …
[CARTE][B] The Wiley handbook of cognitive control
T Egner - 2017 - books.google.com
Covering basic theory, new research, and intersections with adjacent fields, this is the first
comprehensive reference work on cognitive control–our ability to use internal goals to guide …
comprehensive reference work on cognitive control–our ability to use internal goals to guide …
Social value orientation modulates fairness processing during social decision-making: Evidence from behavior and brain potentials
X Hu, X Mai - Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Social value orientation (SVO) characterizes stable individual differences by an inherent
sense of fairness in outcome allocations. Using the event-related potential (ERP), this study …
sense of fairness in outcome allocations. Using the event-related potential (ERP), this study …
Real and fictive outcomes are processed differently but converge on a common adaptive mechanism
The ability to learn not only from experienced but also from merely fictive outcomes without
direct rewarding or punishing consequences should improve learning and resulting value …
direct rewarding or punishing consequences should improve learning and resulting value …
Frontal midline theta and N 200 amplitude reflect complementary information about expectancy and outcome evaluation
Feedback ERN (fERN) and frontal midline theta have both been proposed to index a
dopamine‐like reinforcement learning signal in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). We …
dopamine‐like reinforcement learning signal in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). We …
Open your eyes for prediction errors
Previous studies have demonstrated that autonomic arousal is increased following correct
task performance on a difficult, relative to an easy, task. Here, we hypothesized that this …
task performance on a difficult, relative to an easy, task. Here, we hypothesized that this …
Event-related EEG responses to anticipation and delivery of monetary and social reward
Monetary and a social incentive delay tasks were used to characterize reward anticipation
and delivery with electroencephalography. During reward anticipation, N1, P2 and P3 …
and delivery with electroencephalography. During reward anticipation, N1, P2 and P3 …
Reward positivity: Reward prediction error or salience prediction error?
The reward positivity is a component of the human ERP elicited by feedback stimuli in trial‐
and‐error learning and guessing tasks. A prominent theory holds that the reward positivity …
and‐error learning and guessing tasks. A prominent theory holds that the reward positivity …
[PDF][PDF] Neural correlates of negative expectancy and impaired social feedback processing in social anxiety
R Gu, X Ao, L Mo, D Zhang - Social cognitive and affective …, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Social anxiety has been associated with abnormalities in cognitive processing in the
literature, manifesting as various cognitive biases. To what extent these biases interrupt …
literature, manifesting as various cognitive biases. To what extent these biases interrupt …