Drought in intermittent river and ephemeral stream networks
Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES), those watercourses that periodically
cease to flow or dry, are the world's most widespread type of river ecosystem. Our …
cease to flow or dry, are the world's most widespread type of river ecosystem. Our …
Meta-analysis reveals less sensitivity of non-native animals than natives to extreme weather worldwide
Extreme weather events (EWEs; for example, heatwaves, cold spells, storms, floods and
droughts) and non-native species invasions are two major threats to global biodiversity and …
droughts) and non-native species invasions are two major threats to global biodiversity and …
Refuge identification as a climate adaptation strategy to promote fish persistence during drought
Climate change is leading to global increases in extreme events, such as drought, that
threaten the persistence of freshwater biodiversity. Identification and management of …
threaten the persistence of freshwater biodiversity. Identification and management of …
Thermal tolerance depends on season, age and body condition in imperilled redside dace Clinostomus elongatus
Urbanization tends to increase water temperatures in streams and rivers and is
hypothesized to be contributing to declines of many freshwater fishes. However, factors that …
hypothesized to be contributing to declines of many freshwater fishes. However, factors that …
[HTML][HTML] The role of aquatic refuge habitats for fish, and threats in the context of climate change and human impact, during seasonal hydrological drought in the Saxon …
In spite of the obvious climate changes effects on the Carpathian Basin hydrographic nets
fish fauna, studies on their potential refuge habitats in drought periods are scarce …
fish fauna, studies on their potential refuge habitats in drought periods are scarce …
No quarter: Lack of refuge during flow intermittency results in catastrophic mortality of an imperiled minnow
Many once‐perennial rivers have become intermittent. Channel drying can result in fish
mortality if refuges are not available. Understanding where refuges occur and if fishes use …
mortality if refuges are not available. Understanding where refuges occur and if fishes use …
Fishes move to transient local refuges, not persistent landscape refuges during river drying experiment
Anthropogenically driven flow intermittency is increasing in freshwater streams, with
important implications for the management and conservation of aquatic ecosystems …
important implications for the management and conservation of aquatic ecosystems …
Bedrock depth influences spatial patterns of summer baseflow, temperature, and flow disconnection for mountainous headwater streams
In mountain headwater streams the quality and resilience of cold-water habitat is regulated
by surface stream channel connectivity and groundwater exchange. These critical …
by surface stream channel connectivity and groundwater exchange. These critical …
Dry, drier, driest: Differentiating flow patterns across a gradient of intermittency
Intermittent streams exhibit regular patterns of drying and are widespread, but the patterns of
drying among streams within geographic proximity are not fully understood. We compared …
drying among streams within geographic proximity are not fully understood. We compared …
Thermal sensitivity modulates temporal patterns of ecosystem functioning by freshwater mussels
The continued global loss of biodiversity highlights the importance of understanding how
species loss may impact ecosystem function. Shifting temperatures will accelerate species …
species loss may impact ecosystem function. Shifting temperatures will accelerate species …