Alternative movement identification in the automobile ingress and egress for young and elderly population with or without prostheses

MOA El Menceur, P Pudlo, P Gorce, A Thévenon… - International Journal of …, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper presents a panorama of ingress/egress movement strategies adopted by young
and elderly persons with or without prosthesis (es). The experiments were conducted within …

An automatic procedure for identifying alternative automobile ingress movements in young and elderly populations with or without prostheses

MOA El Menceur, P Pudlo, P Gorce… - International Journal of …, 2009 - Elsevier
This paper presents an automatic numerical procedure for classifying the automobile
ingress movements in young and elderly populations with or without prostheses. This …

An automatic method to identify human alternative movements: application to the ingress movements

MO Ait El Menceur, P Pudlo, JF Debril… - Journal of Automation …, 2009 -
Alternative movement techniques contribute to the movement understanding, ergonomic
analysis or movement simulation. Many alternative movement techniques (motion …

A numerical tool to simulate the kinematics of the ingress movement in variably-dimensioned vehicles for elderly and/or persons with prosthesis

MOA El Menceur, P Pudlo, P Gorce… - International Journal of …, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper presents a method for simulating the kinematics of the vehicle ingress movement
of elderly people and/or people with prostheses (represented by a humanoid mannequin …

An optimization procedure to reconstruct the automobile ingress movement

MO Ait El Menceur, P Pudlo, FX Lepoutre… - … on Informatics in …, 2008 -
To simulate the automobile ingress movement, joint angles are needed. The joint angles are
computed from the experimental data issued from an optoelectronic motion capture system …

An Automatic Method to Identify Human Alternative Movement Application to the Ingress Movement

MO Ait El Menceur, P Pudlo, JF Debril, P Gorce… - IFAC Proceedings …, 2008 - Elsevier
Alternative movement techniques identification is primordial in many studies of biology,
medicine and ergonomics. Few studies in literature propose quantitative techniques to …

Automobile vehicle ingress/egress movement strategies adopted by elderly and/or, hip or knee, prosthesis having persons

MOA El Menceur, P Pudlo, P Gorce… - IFAC Proceedings …, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper presents the automobile ingress/egress movement strategies adopted by 41 test
subjects from a mixed population of able-bodied, elderly and/or disabled drivers when …

Seat Ingress and Egress Durability Test Pre-Validation Methods Derived Using Flat Friction Test

JH Song - 2013 -
Seat covering problem is the No. 1 Fail-course of seat entry and exit durability test. Seat
ingress and egress durability test takes about 100 hours of test time and test samples to be …

An Automatic Method to Reconstruct Human Movement by Considering a Reduced Number of Information: Application to the Automobile Ingress Movement

JF Debril, MOA El Menceur, P Pudlo, P Gorce… - IFAC Proceedings …, 2010 - Elsevier
Measuring the automobile ingress movement is a stage towards the definition of a human
physical model exploitable in new vehicles design. A part of information describing the …