Surface stress effect in mechanics of nanostructured materials
This review article summarizes the advances in the surface stress effect in mechanics of
nanostructured elements, including nanoparticles, nanowires, nanobeams, and nanofilms …
nanostructured elements, including nanoparticles, nanowires, nanobeams, and nanofilms …
Theory of elasticity at the nanoscale
We have shown in a series of recent papers that the classical theory of elasticity can be
extended to the nanoscale by supplementing the equations of elasticity for the bulk material …
extended to the nanoscale by supplementing the equations of elasticity for the bulk material …
At the origins and in the vanguard of peridynamics, non-local and higher-gradient continuum mechanics: an underestimated and still topical contribution of Gabrio …
Gabrio Piola's scientific papers have been underestimated in mathematical physics
literature. Indeed, a careful reading of them proves that they are original, deep and far …
literature. Indeed, a careful reading of them proves that they are original, deep and far …
Propagation characteristics of shear horizontal waves in piezoelectric semiconductor nanoplates incorporating surface effect
Elastic wave-based devices made of piezoelectric semiconductors (PSs) find wide
applications in modern scientific and technological fields. Elastic waves propagating in PS …
applications in modern scientific and technological fields. Elastic waves propagating in PS …
Size-dependent effective elastic constants of solids containing nano-inhomogeneities with interface stress
The fundamental framework of micromechanical procedure is generalized to take into
account the surface/interface stress effect at the nano-scale. This framework is applied to the …
account the surface/interface stress effect at the nano-scale. This framework is applied to the …
A homogenization method incorporating surface effect for thin metamaterial structure
Strong surface elasticity has been only found in nanoscale materials due to their large
surface-to-volume ratio. In this paper, at the macroscale, the strong surface elasticity is …
surface-to-volume ratio. In this paper, at the macroscale, the strong surface elasticity is …
On effective properties of materials at the nano-and microscales considering surface effects
VA Eremeyev - Acta Mechanica, 2016 - Springer
In the last years, the rapid increase in the technical capability to control and design materials
at the nanoscale has pushed toward an intensive exploitation of new possibilities …
at the nanoscale has pushed toward an intensive exploitation of new possibilities …
A nonlocal surface theory for surface–bulk interactions and its application to mechanics of nanobeams
A nonlocal surface theory is proposed for interactions between surface and bulk media of
nanostructures. The nonlocal elasticity theory is generalized to account for nonlocal …
nanostructures. The nonlocal elasticity theory is generalized to account for nonlocal …
Homogenization of composites with extended general interfaces: comprehensive review and unified modeling
Interphase regions that form in heterogeneous materials through various underlying
mechanisms such as poor mechanical or chemical adherence, roughness, and coating, play …
mechanisms such as poor mechanical or chemical adherence, roughness, and coating, play …
Analytical continuum mechanics à la Hamilton–Piola least action principle for second gradient continua and capillary fluids
In this paper a stationary action principle is proved to hold for capillary fluids, ie fluids for
which the deformation energy has the form suggested, starting from molecular arguments …
which the deformation energy has the form suggested, starting from molecular arguments …