Off-axis digital holographic multiplexing for rapid wavefront acquisition and processing
Off-axis holographic multiplexing involves capturing several complex wavefronts, each
encoded into off-axis holograms with different interference fringe orientations …
encoded into off-axis holograms with different interference fringe orientations …
Principles and techniques of digital holographic microscopy
MK Kim - SPIE reviews, 2010 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Digital holography is an emerging field of new paradigm in general imaging applications.
We present a review of a subset of the research and development activities in digital …
We present a review of a subset of the research and development activities in digital …
Review on methods of solving the refractive index–thickness coupling problem in digital holographic microscopy of biological cells
Digital holographic microscopy is a thriving imaging modality that attracted considerable
research interest in quantitative biological cell imaging due to its ability to not only create …
research interest in quantitative biological cell imaging due to its ability to not only create …
[CARTE][B] Digital holography
P Picart, J Li - 2013 - books.google.com
This book presents a substantial description of the principles and applications of digital
holography. The first part of the book deals with mathematical basics and the linear filtering …
holography. The first part of the book deals with mathematical basics and the linear filtering …
Phase imaging of cells by simultaneous dual-wavelength reflection digital holography
We present a phase-imaging technique to quantitatively study the three-dimensional
structure of cells. The method, based on the simultaneous dual-wavelength digital …
structure of cells. The method, based on the simultaneous dual-wavelength digital …
[HTML][HTML] Phase microscopy and surface profilometry by digital holography
MK Kim - Light: Advanced Manufacturing, 2022 - light-am.com
Quantitative phase microscopy by digital holography is a good candidate for high-speed,
high precision profilometry. Multi-wavelength optical phase unwrap** avoids difficulties of …
high precision profilometry. Multi-wavelength optical phase unwrap** avoids difficulties of …
Quantitative phase imaging comparison of digital holographic microscopy and transport of intensity equation phase through simultaneous measurements of live cells
Quantitative phase imaging (QPI) of live cells allows label-free assessment of cell
morphology and quantitative estimation of cell thickness, and therefore volume. Of the …
morphology and quantitative estimation of cell thickness, and therefore volume. Of the …
Live cell imaging by single-shot common-path wide field-of-view reflective digital holographic microscope
Quantitative phase imaging by digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is a nondestructive
and label-free technique that has been playing an indispensable role in the fields of science …
and label-free technique that has been playing an indispensable role in the fields of science …
Simultaneous two-wavelength phase unwrap** using an external module for multiplexing off-axis holography
We present a dual-wavelength external holographic microscopy module for quantitative
phase imaging of 3D structures with extended thickness range. This is done by …
phase imaging of 3D structures with extended thickness range. This is done by …
Methods and computer program products for quantitative three-dimensional image correction and clinical parameter computation in optical coherence tomography
JA Izatt, MC Zhao, AN Kuo - US Patent 8,693,745, 2014 - Google Patents
CK Hitzenberger, M. Sticker, R. Leitgeb, and AF Fercher,“Differ ential phase measurements
in low-coherence interferometry without 2T ambiguity.” Opt. Lett. 26, 2001, pp. 1864-1866 …
in low-coherence interferometry without 2T ambiguity.” Opt. Lett. 26, 2001, pp. 1864-1866 …