Physiology of stretch-mediated hypertrophy and strength increases: a narrative review
Increasing muscle strength and cross-sectional area is of crucial importance to improve or
maintain physical function in musculoskeletal rehabilitation and sports performance …
maintain physical function in musculoskeletal rehabilitation and sports performance …
Minimalist training: is lower dosage or intensity resistance training effective to improve physical fitness? A narrative review
Background Findings from original research, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses have
demonstrated the effectiveness of resistance training (RT) on markers of performance and …
demonstrated the effectiveness of resistance training (RT) on markers of performance and …
[HTML][HTML] Global consensus on optimal exercise recommendations for enhancing healthy longevity in older adults (ICFSR)
Aging, a universal and inevitable process, is characterized by a progressive accumulation of
physiological alterations and functional decline over time, leading to increased vulnerability …
physiological alterations and functional decline over time, leading to increased vulnerability …
Effects of chronic static stretching on maximal strength and muscle hypertrophy: a systematic review and Meta-analysis with Meta-regression
Background Increases in maximal strength and muscle volume represent central aims of
training interventions. Recent research suggested that the chronic application of stretch may …
training interventions. Recent research suggested that the chronic application of stretch may …
[HTML][HTML] Influence of 8-weeks of supervised static stretching or resistance training of pectoral major muscles on maximal strength, muscle thickness and range of …
Objectives Current research suggests static stretch-induced maximal strength increases and
muscle hypertrophy with potential to substitute resistance-training routines. However, most …
muscle hypertrophy with potential to substitute resistance-training routines. However, most …
Why flexibility deserves to be further considered as a standard component of physical fitness: a narrative review of existing insights from static stretching study …
R Bouguezzi, S Sammoud, A Markov, Y Negra… - Youth, 2023 - mdpi.com
The utility of flexibility as a standard component of physical fitness has recently been
questioned, sparking a heated debate among scientists. More specifically, it has recently …
questioned, sparking a heated debate among scientists. More specifically, it has recently …
Critical evaluation and recalculation of current systematic reviews with meta-analysis on the effects of acute and chronic stretching on passive properties and passive …
Purpose Muscle, tendon, and muscle–tendon unit (MTU) stiffness as well as passive peak
torque (PPT) or delayed stretching pain sensation are typical explanatory approaches for …
torque (PPT) or delayed stretching pain sensation are typical explanatory approaches for …
Discussing conflicting explanatory approaches in flexibility training under consideration of physiology: a narrative review
The mechanisms underlying range of motion enhancements via flexibility training discussed
in the literature show high heterogeneity in research methodology and study findings. In …
in the literature show high heterogeneity in research methodology and study findings. In …
[HTML][HTML] Biomechanical, healing and therapeutic effects of stretching: a comprehensive review
Characterized in biomedical terms, stretching exercises have been defined as movements
applied by external and/or internal forces to increase muscle and joint flexibility, decrease …
applied by external and/or internal forces to increase muscle and joint flexibility, decrease …
The acute effect of dynamic vs. proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching on sprint and jump performance
Participating in sports has been shown to promote overall wellness and, at the same time,
reduce health risks. As more people are participating in sports, competitions have increased …
reduce health risks. As more people are participating in sports, competitions have increased …