Multiresolution modelling of polygonal surface meshes using triangle fans

J Ribelles, A López, I Remolar, O Belmonte… - Discrete Geometry for …, 2000 - Springer
Multiresolution modellingof polygonal surface meshes has been presented as a solution for
the interactive visualisation of scenes formed by hundreds of thousands of polygons. On the …

Exploiting frame-to-frame coherence for rendering terrain using continuous LOD

J Zhang, G Chen - International Conference on Artificial Reality and …, 2006 - Springer
It is the key issue of the terrain real-time rendering to reduce the time-spending for the level-
of-detail. The concept of triangle live frame is introduced in this paper. Using this live frame …

Representación de Modelos Multirresolución con Abanicos de Triángulos

J Ribelles, A López, I Remolar… - CEIG 2000: X …, 2000 -
El modelado multirresolución de superficies poligonales se ha presentado como solución
para la visualización interactiva de escenas formadas por cientos de miles de polígonos …