Spreading volcanoes
A Borgia, PT Delaney… - Annual Review of Earth …, 2000 - annualreviews.org
As volcanoes grow, they become ever heavier. Unlike mountains exhumed by erosion of
rocks that generally were lithified at depth, volcanoes typically are built of poorly …
rocks that generally were lithified at depth, volcanoes typically are built of poorly …
Geological map of Etna volcano, 1: 50,000 scale
The new geological map of Etna volcano at 1: 50,000 scale represents a significant progress
in the geological studies of this volcano over the last 30 years, coming after Waltershausen's …
in the geological studies of this volcano over the last 30 years, coming after Waltershausen's …
The morphostructural setting of Mount Etna sedimentary basement (Italy): Implications for the geometry and volume of the volcano and its flank instability
S Branca, V Ferrara - Tectonophysics, 2013 - Elsevier
The reinterpretation of more than 2500 subsurface data, consisting of geoelectric and
borehole prospecting undertaken at Mount Etna, allows reconstructing the contour map of …
borehole prospecting undertaken at Mount Etna, allows reconstructing the contour map of …
CG D'ITALIA - 2009 - iris.unict.it
Il Foglio 641 “Augusta” della Carta Geologica d'Italia in scala 1: 50.000 è stato realizzato
nell'ambito del Progetto CARG (Legge 226/99) tramite Convenzione tra APAT (ora …
nell'ambito del Progetto CARG (Legge 226/99) tramite Convenzione tra APAT (ora …
Geological evolution of a complex basaltic stratovolcano: Mount Etna, Italy
An updated geological evolution model is presented for the composite basaltic stratovolcano
of Mount Etna. It was developed on the basis of the stratigraphic setting proposed in the new …
of Mount Etna. It was developed on the basis of the stratigraphic setting proposed in the new …
Stratigraphic constraints for explosive activity in the past 100 ka at Etna Volcano, Italy
M Coltelli, P Del Carlo, L Vezzoli - International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2000 - Springer
The pyroclastic deposits of Etna have been correlated over the whole volcanic edifice for the
first time, allowing the construction of a continuous record of tephra-producing events, which …
first time, allowing the construction of a continuous record of tephra-producing events, which …
Geological evolution of Etna volcano
New stratigraphic and structural data obtained during recent geological surveys have
allowed us to subdivide the almost continuous evolution of Etnean volcanism into four main …
allowed us to subdivide the almost continuous evolution of Etnean volcanism into four main …
Sedimentology of volcanic debris avalanche deposits
A Dufresne, A Zernack, K Bernard, JC Thouret… - … : From Collapse to …, 2021 - Springer
The deposits of volcanic debris avalanches (VDAs) contain diagnostic features that
distinguish them from those of other landslides. In this chapter, we summarize the …
distinguish them from those of other landslides. In this chapter, we summarize the …
Subaerial volcaniclastic deposits–influences of initiation mechanisms and transport behaviour on characteristics and distributions
JJ Major - 2023 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Subaerial volcaniclastic deposits are produced principally by volcanic debris avalanches,
pyroclastic density currents, lahars, and tephra falls. Those deposits have widely ranging …
pyroclastic density currents, lahars, and tephra falls. Those deposits have widely ranging …
Molards as an indicator of permafrost degradation and landslide processes
Molards have been defined in the past as conical mounds of debris that can form part of a
landslide's deposits. We present the first conclusive evidence that molards in permafrost …
landslide's deposits. We present the first conclusive evidence that molards in permafrost …