Spreading volcanoes

A Borgia, PT Delaney… - Annual Review of Earth …, 2000 - annualreviews.org
As volcanoes grow, they become ever heavier. Unlike mountains exhumed by erosion of
rocks that generally were lithified at depth, volcanoes typically are built of poorly …

Geological map of Etna volcano, 1: 50,000 scale

S Branca, M Coltelli, G Groppelli… - Italian Journal of …, 2011 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The new geological map of Etna volcano at 1: 50,000 scale represents a significant progress
in the geological studies of this volcano over the last 30 years, coming after Waltershausen's …

The morphostructural setting of Mount Etna sedimentary basement (Italy): Implications for the geometry and volume of the volcano and its flank instability

S Branca, V Ferrara - Tectonophysics, 2013 - Elsevier
The reinterpretation of more than 2500 subsurface data, consisting of geoelectric and
borehole prospecting undertaken at Mount Etna, allows reconstructing the contour map of …


CG D'ITALIA - 2009 - iris.unict.it
Il Foglio 641 “Augusta” della Carta Geologica d'Italia in scala 1: 50.000 è stato realizzato
nell'ambito del Progetto CARG (Legge 226/99) tramite Convenzione tra APAT (ora …

Geological evolution of a complex basaltic stratovolcano: Mount Etna, Italy

S Branca, M Coltelli, G Groppelli - Italian Journal of …, 2011 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
An updated geological evolution model is presented for the composite basaltic stratovolcano
of Mount Etna. It was developed on the basis of the stratigraphic setting proposed in the new …

Stratigraphic constraints for explosive activity in the past 100 ka at Etna Volcano, Italy

M Coltelli, P Del Carlo, L Vezzoli - International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2000 - Springer
The pyroclastic deposits of Etna have been correlated over the whole volcanic edifice for the
first time, allowing the construction of a continuous record of tephra-producing events, which …

Geological evolution of Etna volcano

S Branca, M Coltelli, G Groppelli - Geophysical Monograph …, 2004 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
New stratigraphic and structural data obtained during recent geological surveys have
allowed us to subdivide the almost continuous evolution of Etnean volcanism into four main …

Sedimentology of volcanic debris avalanche deposits

A Dufresne, A Zernack, K Bernard, JC Thouret… - … : From Collapse to …, 2021 - Springer
The deposits of volcanic debris avalanches (VDAs) contain diagnostic features that
distinguish them from those of other landslides. In this chapter, we summarize the …

Subaerial volcaniclastic deposits–influences of initiation mechanisms and transport behaviour on characteristics and distributions

JJ Major - 2023 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Subaerial volcaniclastic deposits are produced principally by volcanic debris avalanches,
pyroclastic density currents, lahars, and tephra falls. Those deposits have widely ranging …

Molards as an indicator of permafrost degradation and landslide processes

C Morino, SJ Conway, Þ Sæmundsson… - Earth and Planetary …, 2019 - Elsevier
Molards have been defined in the past as conical mounds of debris that can form part of a
landslide's deposits. We present the first conclusive evidence that molards in permafrost …