Understanding bilingual memory: Models and data

RM French, M Jacquet - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2004 - cell.com
Bilingual memory research in the past decade and, particularly, in the past five years, has
developed a range of sophisticated experimental, neuropsychological and computational …

The comprehension of words and sentences in two languages

JF Kroll, PE Dussias - The handbook of bilingualism and …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
This chapter reviews recent developments on the comprehension of words and sentences in
two languages, which show that the lexicon and grammar have more in common than …

The architecture of the bilingual word recognition system: From identification to decision

T Dijkstra, WJB Van Heuven - Bilingualism: Language and cognition, 2002 - cambridge.org
The paper opens with an evaluation of the BIA model of bilingual word recognition in the
light of recent empirical evidence. After pointing out problems and omissions, a new model …

[KNIHA][B] Language and cognition in bilinguals and multilinguals: An introduction

AMB De Groot - 2011 - taylorfrancis.com
Psycholinguistics–the field of science that examines the mental processes and knowledge
structures involved in the acquisition, comprehension, and production of language–had a …

[KNIHA][B] An introduction to applied linguistics

N Schmitt, MPH Rodgers - 2002 - api.taylorfrancis.com
This book is intended to give you a broad overview of Applied Linguistics. It will introduce
you to important areas in the field, and familiarize you with the key issues in each of those …

Language selectivity is the exception, not the rule: Arguments against a fixed locus of language selection in bilingual speech

JF Kroll, SC Bobb, Z Wodniecka - Bilingualism: Language and …, 2006 - cambridge.org
Bilingual speech requires that the language of utterances be selected prior to articulation.
Past research has debated whether the language of speaking can be determined in …

[KNIHA][B] Second language acquisition: An advanced resource book

K De Bot, W Lowie, M Verspoor - 2005 - books.google.com
Second Language Acquisition: introduces the key areas in the field, including:
multilingualism, the role of teaching, the mental processing of multiple languages, and …

[KNIHA][B] Bilingual visual word recognition and lexical access

AFJ Dijkstra, JF Kroll, AMB de Groot - 2005 - books.google.com
In spite of the intuition of many bilinguals, a review of empirical studies indicates that during
reading under many circumstances, possible words from different languages temporarily …

Bilingual lexical activation in sentence context

AI Schwartz, JF Kroll - Journal of memory and language, 2006 - Elsevier
The present study investigated the cognitive nature of second language (L2) lexical
processing in sentence context. We examined bilinguals' L2 word recognition performance …

Bilingual lexical access in context: evidence from eye movements during reading.

MR Libben, DA Titone - Journal of Experimental Psychology …, 2009 - psycnet.apa.org
Current models of bilingualism (eg, BIA+) posit that lexical access during reading is not
language selective. However, much of this research is based on the comprehension of …