Biotic homogenisation and differentiation as directional change in beta diversity: synthesising driver–response relationships to develop conceptual models across …
Biotic homogenisation is defined as decreasing dissimilarity among ecological assemblages
sampled within a given spatial area over time. Biotic differentiation, in turn, is defined as …
sampled within a given spatial area over time. Biotic differentiation, in turn, is defined as …
Species richness in urban parks and its drivers: A review of empirical evidence
There is growing recognition of urban areas as hosts for innovative ways to conserve and
promote biodiversity. Parks, as one specific type of urban green space, constitute particularly …
promote biodiversity. Parks, as one specific type of urban green space, constitute particularly …
Biotic homogenization of three insect groups due to urbanization
Cities are growing rapidly, thereby expected to cause a large‐scale global biotic
homogenization. Evidence for the homogenization hypothesis is mostly derived from plants …
homogenization. Evidence for the homogenization hypothesis is mostly derived from plants …
Cities shape the diversity and spread of nonnative species
The globalization of trade and increased human mobility have facilitated the introduction
and spread of nonnative species, posing significant threats to biodiversity and human well …
and spread of nonnative species, posing significant threats to biodiversity and human well …
Urban biotic homogenization: Approaches and knowledge gaps
Urbanization is restructuring ecosystems at an unprecedented pace, with complex and
profound consequences for life on Earth. One of the hypothesized trajectories of urban …
profound consequences for life on Earth. One of the hypothesized trajectories of urban …
Are cities different? Patterns of species richness and beta diversity of urban bird communities and regional species assemblages in E urope
Aim To compare macroecological patterns between bird communities of E uropean cities
and regional species assemblages in the surrounding landscape, and to reveal …
and regional species assemblages in the surrounding landscape, and to reveal …
Effects of settlement size, urban heat island and habitat type on urban plant biodiversity
Urbanized areas with high habitat heterogeneity and intense human impact form unique
environment which is surprisingly rich in plant species. We explore the effect of the …
environment which is surprisingly rich in plant species. We explore the effect of the …
Impacts of urban sprawl on species richness of plants, butterflies, gastropods and birds: not only built-up area matters
Urban growth is a major factor of global environmental change and has important impacts
on biodiversity, such as changes in species composition and biotic homogenization. Most …
on biodiversity, such as changes in species composition and biotic homogenization. Most …
Land sharing between cultivated and wild plants: urban gardens as hotspots for plant diversity in cities
Plant communities in urban gardens consist of cultivated species, including ornamentals
and food crops, and wild growing species. Yet it remains unclear what significance urban …
and food crops, and wild growing species. Yet it remains unclear what significance urban …
Hard times in the city–attractive nest sites but insufficient food supply lead to low reproduction rates in a bird of prey
Introduction Urbanization is a global phenomenon that is encroaching on natural habitats
and decreasing biodiversity, although it is creating new habitats for some species. The …
and decreasing biodiversity, although it is creating new habitats for some species. The …