Machine learning with data assimilation and uncertainty quantification for dynamical systems: a review
Data assimilation (DA) and uncertainty quantification (UQ) are extensively used in analysing
and reducing error propagation in high-dimensional spatial-temporal dynamics. Typical …
and reducing error propagation in high-dimensional spatial-temporal dynamics. Typical …
Generalised latent assimilation in heterogeneous reduced spaces with machine learning surrogate models
Reduced-order modelling and low-dimensional surrogate models generated using machine
learning algorithms have been widely applied in high-dimensional dynamical systems to …
learning algorithms have been widely applied in high-dimensional dynamical systems to …
An efficient digital twin based on machine learning SVD autoencoder and generalised latent assimilation for nuclear reactor physics
This paper proposes an approach that combines reduced-order models with machine
learning in order to create an digital twin to predict the power distribution over the core …
learning in order to create an digital twin to predict the power distribution over the core …
Multi-domain encoder–decoder neural networks for latent data assimilation in dynamical systems
High-dimensional dynamical systems often require computationally intensive physics-based
simulations, making full physical space data assimilation impractical. Latent data …
simulations, making full physical space data assimilation impractical. Latent data …
[HTML][HTML] Parameter flexible wildfire prediction using machine learning techniques: Forward and inverse modelling
Parameter identification for wildfire forecasting models often relies on case-by-case tuning
or posterior diagnosis/analysis, which can be computationally expensive due to the …
or posterior diagnosis/analysis, which can be computationally expensive due to the …
A non‐linear non‐intrusive reduced order model of fluid flow by auto‐encoder and self‐attention deep learning methods
This paper presents a new nonlinear non‐intrusive reduced‐order model (NL‐NIROM) that
outperforms traditional proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)‐based reduced order model …
outperforms traditional proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)‐based reduced order model …
Non-intrusive reduced order modeling of natural convection in porous media using convolutional autoencoders: comparison with linear subspace techniques
Natural convection in porous media is a highly nonlinear multiphysical problem relevant to
many engineering applications (eg, the process of CO 2 sequestration). Here, we extend …
many engineering applications (eg, the process of CO 2 sequestration). Here, we extend …
[HTML][HTML] Applying convolutional neural networks to data on unstructured meshes with space-filling curves
This paper presents the first classical Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that can be
applied directly to data from unstructured finite element meshes or control volume grids …
applied directly to data from unstructured finite element meshes or control volume grids …
Physics-constrained neural network for solving discontinuous interface K-eigenvalue problem with application to reactor physics
Abstract Machine learning-based modeling of reactor physics problems has attracted
increasing interest in recent years. Despite some progress in one-dimensional problems …
increasing interest in recent years. Despite some progress in one-dimensional problems …
Digital twins based on bidirectional LSTM and GAN for modelling the COVID-19 pandemic
The outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has now spread throughout the
globe infecting over 150 million people and causing the death of over 3.2 million people …
globe infecting over 150 million people and causing the death of over 3.2 million people …