[HTML][HTML] From WEIRD to worldwide: Auditing authors' affiliation countries over time across three leading journals publishing food-related research
Much research is based on findings obtained in Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and
democratic (WEIRD) societies, largely by authors from English-speaking countries. As no …
democratic (WEIRD) societies, largely by authors from English-speaking countries. As no …
Interest convergence and the maintenance of racial advantage: The case of diversity in higher education
One of the major tenets of Critical Race Theory, the interest convergence hypothesis
postulates that policies promising improvements for Black Americans are enacted only to the …
postulates that policies promising improvements for Black Americans are enacted only to the …
Fooled by diversity? When diversity initiatives exacerbate rather than mitigate bias and inequality
To advance the discussion on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, we analyze
the management literature and examples of advocacy practices inspired by the three DEI …
the management literature and examples of advocacy practices inspired by the three DEI …
Divergence between employer and employee understandings of passion: Theory and implications for future research
There is an increasingly prevalent expectation in contemporary society that employees be
passionate for their work. Here, we suggest that employers and employees can have …
passionate for their work. Here, we suggest that employers and employees can have …
OM forum—The operations of well-being: An operational take on happiness, equity, and sustainability
CJ Corbett - Manufacturing & Service Operations …, 2024 - pubsonline.informs.org
Problem definition: The meaning of life must surely be more about well-being than wealth,
but what does that have to do with operations? Well-being encompasses a lot: Are we happy …
but what does that have to do with operations? Well-being encompasses a lot: Are we happy …
Sincere solidarity or performative pretense? Evaluations of organizational allyship
Although organizations increasingly seek to communicate allyship with the Black
community, their ally statements can receive vastly different responses from Black observers …
community, their ally statements can receive vastly different responses from Black observers …
Using artificial intelligence (AI) to implement diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) into marketing materials: The 'CONSIDER'framework
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in marketing–defined as the composition of an
organisation's marketing reflects diverse, equitable representation of its consumer base …
organisation's marketing reflects diverse, equitable representation of its consumer base …
Signaling diversity debt: Startup gender composition and the gender gap in joiners' interest
Women are underrepresented in startups, but research on “joiners”—nonfounder employees
attracted to startup work—offers limited explanations for why such underrepresentation …
attracted to startup work—offers limited explanations for why such underrepresentation …
Barriers and boosts: Using inequity frames theory to expand understanding of mechanisms of race and gender inequity
Inequity can be framed in terms of disadvantage or advantage, with different consequences
for how people understand the inequity. Here we ask, how do scholars conceptualize race …
for how people understand the inequity. Here we ask, how do scholars conceptualize race …
Prominent themes and blind spots in diversity and inclusion literature: A bibliometric analysis
This study aims to examine the development of diversity and inclusion (D&I) literature and
identify its prominent themes and blind spots. The research was conducted using …
identify its prominent themes and blind spots. The research was conducted using …