Sparse representation on graphs by tight wavelet frames and applications

B Dong - Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2017 - Elsevier
In this paper, we introduce a new (constructive) characterization of tight wavelet frames on
non-flat domains in both continuum setting, ie on manifolds, and discrete setting, ie on …

Double-well net for image segmentation

H Liu, J Liu, RH Chan, XC Tai - Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 2024 - SIAM
In this study, our goal is to integrate classical mathematical models with deep neural
networks by introducing two novel deep neural network models for image segmentation …

Diffuse interface models on graphs for classification of high dimensional data

AL Bertozzi, A Flenner - siam REVIEW, 2016 - SIAM
This paper is a republication of an MMS paper [AL Bertozzi and A. Flenner, Multiscale
Model. Simul., 10 (2012), pp. 1090--1118] describing a new class of algorithms for …

Convergence of the graph Allen–Cahn scheme

X Luo, AL Bertozzi - Journal of Statistical Physics, 2017 - Springer
The graph Laplacian and the graph cut problem are closely related to Markov random fields,
and have many applications in clustering and image segmentation. The diffuse interface …

Hyperspectral image classification using graph clustering methods

Z Meng, E Merkurjev, A Koniges, AL Bertozzi - Image Processing On Line, 2017 -
Hyperspectral imagery is a challenging modality due to the dimension of the pixels which
can range from hundreds to over a thousand frequencies depending on the sensor. Most …

Learning graph similarity with large spectral gap

Z Wu, S Liu, C Ding, Z Ren, S **e - IEEE Transactions on …, 2019 -
Learning a good graph similarity matrix in data clustering is very crucial. The goal of
clustering is to construct a good graph similarity matrix such that the similarity of points …

[PDF][PDF] A semi-supervised heat kernel pagerank MBO algorithm for data classification

E Merkurjev, AL Bertozzi, F Chung - … in mathematical sciences, 2018 -
We present an accurate and efficient graph-based algorithm for semi-supervised
classification that is motivated by recent successful threshold dynamics approaches and …

An effective region force for some variational models for learning and clustering

K Yin, XC Tai - Journal of Scientific Computing, 2018 - Springer
In this paper we propose two variational models for semi-supervised clustering of high-
dimensional data. The new models produce substantial improvements of the classification …

Simplified energy landscape for modularity using total variation

ZM Boyd, E Bae, XC Tai, AL Bertozzi - SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2018 - SIAM
Networks capture pairwise interactions between entities and are frequently used in
applications such as social networks, food networks, and protein interaction networks, to …

Graph clustering, variational image segmentation methods and Hough transform scale detection for object measurement in images

L Calatroni, Y van Gennip, CB Schönlieb… - Journal of Mathematical …, 2017 - Springer
We consider the problem of scale detection in images where a region of interest is present
together with a measurement tool (eg a ruler). For the segmentation part, we focus on the …