[PDF][PDF] Photovoltaic power plants with electrochemical and thermal energy storage in Iraq

BV Lukutin, KH Kadhim - The Tomsk Polytechnic University Geo …, 2021‏ - earchive.tpu.ru
Methods: a combined method of accumulating solar energy: in electrochemical batteries and
in thermal ones, methods of engineering sciences, modeling method. Results. The technical …

Utilization of Solar Water Heaters to Reduce Residential Electrical Load

MS Al-Hafidh, MA Al-Nama… - UHD Journal of Science …, 2017‏ - journals.uhd.edu.iq
Residential electrical load in Iraq can be divided into five components, lighting, home
appliances, heating, cooling and water heating. Water heating component represents the …

[PDF][PDF] Application of a genetic algorithm for planning loads of a power supply system with a network photo-power plant and a heat active consumer

B Lukutin, KH Kadhim - Periodicals of Engineering and Natural …, 2021‏ - scholar.archive.org
ABSTRACT A novel approach is presented using a genetic algorithm to enhance the
planning of household electrical loads in accordance with practical and user restrictions and …

[PDF][PDF] Energy Efficiency Enhancement for Residential Sector: Case Study of Lighting in Iraq

Y Ameen, O Al-Yozbaky, M Al-Hafidh - Al-Rafidain Engineering Journal, 2021‏ - iasj.net
The electrical energy crisis is a global problem that all develo** countries face in general
and Iraq in particular. A lot of body in the literature holds that lifestyle and consumption …

[HTML][HTML] Фотоэлектростанции с электрохимическим и тепловым накоплением энергии в Ираке

БВ Лукутин, Х Каррар - Известия Томского политехнического …, 2021‏ - cyberleninka.ru
Актуальность. Современные технологии производства энергии с участием
возобновляемой энергетики позволяют создать надежные, экономичные и …

[HTML][HTML] Энергоэффективный алгоритм управления фотоэлектростанцией с электрохимическим и электротепловым аккумулированием энергии

БВ Лукутин, ЕБ Шандарова… - Известия Томского …, 2022‏ - cyberleninka.ru
Актуальность работы определяется возрастающим спросом на энергию, особенно на
экологически чистую. В настоящее время большое внимание уделяется исследованию …

[PDF][PDF] The Use of Solar Water Heaters in Iraq: An Economic Study

WH Hamdon, MU Jasim, MSM Al-Hafidh - Al-Rafidain Engineering Journal …, 2022‏ - iasj.net
The Iraqi electrical system suffers from an increased electrical load for the available
generation, which leads to the separation of a large number of consumers, especially during …

A New Approach to Reconfiguration of Electric Distribution Networks

MSM Al-Hafidh, OS Al-Yozbaky… - 2021 International …, 2021‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The rapid increase in electrical loads in Iraq has led to many problems in distribution
networks. Feeders overload is one of these problems, resulting in inability to supply some …