A review of the crashworthiness performance of energy absorbing composite structure within the context of materials, manufacturing and maintenance for …

CW Isaac, C Ezekwem - Composite Structures, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Energy absorbing structures made from composite materials are lightweight, fuel
economical and environmentally friendly. In spite of these advantages, some issues have to …

[HTML][HTML] The use of CFRP for structural reinforcement—literature review

AM Pawlak, T Górny, Ł Dopierała, P Paczos - Metals, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites are increasingly being used to
strengthen structures and to retrofit existing structures. CFRP composites are used in various …

[HTML][HTML] Energy absorption characteristics of origami-inspired honeycomb sandwich structures under low-velocity impact loading

J Qi, C Li, Y Tie, Y Zheng, Y Duan - Materials & Design, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Lightweight origami structure has received increasing attention in the past years. This paper
presents a new origami-inspired honeycomb sandwich plate, taking inspiration from two …

A newly proposed damage constitutive model for composite laminates under low-velocity impact by considering through-thickness compression damage

J Jiang, Z Zhang, J Fu, H Wang, CT Ng - Aerospace Science and …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
The existing damage constitutive models for a composite lamina under impact loading have
mainly considered four failure modes: longitudinal fiber failure in tension and compression …

A novel multiscale modeling strategy of the low-velocity impact behavior of plain woven composites

Y Hou, L Meng, G Li, L **a, Y Xu - Composite Structures, 2021‏ - Elsevier
A novel multiscale modeling strategy is proposed to investigate the low-velocity impact (LVI)
behavior of plain woven composites. Initially, the effective properties of the yarn are obtained …

Prediction of failure behavior of adhesively bonded CFRP scarf joints using a cohesive zone model

L Sun, Y Tie, Y Hou, X Lu, C Li - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2020‏ - Elsevier
In this article, the tensile behavior of adhesively bonded scarf joints (SAJs) of CFRP
laminates with ductile adhesive is investigated by experiments and finite element (FE) …

[HTML][HTML] The effectiveness of patch repairs to restore the impact properties of carbon-fibre reinforced-plastic composites

ZEC Hall, J Liu, RA Brooks, H Liu, JWM Crocker… - Engineering Fracture …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
The present paper studies the low-velocity impact testing of carbon-fibre reinforced-plastic
(CFRP) pristine and patch-repair CFRP panels. Firstly, the effect of repeated impacts on the …

Low-velocity impact behaviors of repaired CFRP laminates: Effect of impact location and external patch configurations

Y Hou, Y Tie, C Li, T Sapanathan, M Rachik - Composites Part B …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
Experimental and numerical approaches are used to investigate the effect of impact location
and different external patch configurations on the low-velocity impact behaviors of repaired …

[HTML][HTML] An experimental investigation of tensile residual strength of repaired composite laminates after low velocity impact

M Damghani, GA Atkinson, P Thapa, J Joy… - Thin-Walled …, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Abstract Low Velocity Impact (LVI) of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) components
are common during the manufacture and in-service life of aerostructures. However, the …

Impact damage assessment in orthotropic CFRP laminates using nonlinear Lamb wave: Experimental and numerical investigations

Y Tie, Q Zhang, Y Hou, C Li - Composite Structures, 2020‏ - Elsevier
In this study, experimental and numerical approaches based on the nonlinear ultrasonic
Lamb wave are used to detect the barely visible impact damages (BVID) in orthotropic CFRP …