Customer information resources advantage, marketing strategy and business performance: A market resources based view
R Varadarajan - Industrial Marketing Management, 2020 - Elsevier
Chief among a firm's market-based resources are its relational resources such as brand
equity, customer equity and channel equity that result from its interactions with customers …
equity, customer equity and channel equity that result from its interactions with customers …
Moving the customer experience field forward: introducing the touchpoints, context, qualities (TCQ) nomenclature
In response to initial voices that put the customer experience (management)(CX (M))
movement into question, this article aims to introduce a formal nomenclature to push the CX …
movement into question, this article aims to introduce a formal nomenclature to push the CX …
The value of online surveys: A look back and a look ahead
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a detailed and critical look at the evolution
of online survey research since Evans and Mathur's (2005) article on the value of online …
of online survey research since Evans and Mathur's (2005) article on the value of online …
Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey
Understanding customer experience and the customer journey over time is critical for firms.
Customers now interact with firms through myriad touch points in multiple channels and …
Customers now interact with firms through myriad touch points in multiple channels and …
From multi-channel retailing to omni-channel retailing: introduction to the special issue on multi-channel retailing
The world of retailing has changed dramatically in the past decade. The advent of the online
channel and new additional digital channels such as mobile channels and social media …
channel and new additional digital channels such as mobile channels and social media …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of different touchpoints on brand consideration
Marketers face the challenge of resource allocation across a range of touchpoints. Hence
understanding their relative impact is important, but previous research tends to examine …
understanding their relative impact is important, but previous research tends to examine …
What kind of in-store smart retailing for an omnichannel real-life experience?
C Bèzes - Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English …, 2019 -
Smart retailing is currently presented by many consultants and some researchers in
innovation as the solution for generating an omnichannel experience that benefits …
innovation as the solution for generating an omnichannel experience that benefits …
[КНИГА][B] Creating value with big data analytics: Making smarter marketing decisions
PC Verhoef, E Kooge, N Walk - 2016 -
Our newly digital world is generating an almost unimaginable amount of data about all of us.
Such a vast amount of data is useless without plans and strategies that are designed to cope …
Such a vast amount of data is useless without plans and strategies that are designed to cope …
[КНИГА][B] Strategic market management
Learn to identify, select, implement, and adapt market-driven business strategies for
profitable growth in competitive markets In Strategic Market Management, David Aaker and …
profitable growth in competitive markets In Strategic Market Management, David Aaker and …
Mobile targeting
Mobile technologies enable marketers to target consumers by time and location. This study
builds on a large-scale randomized experiment of short message service (SMS) texts sent to …
builds on a large-scale randomized experiment of short message service (SMS) texts sent to …