Integrating the active process of hair cells with cochlear function

AJ Hudspeth - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2014 -
Uniquely among human senses, hearing is not simply a passive response to stimulation.
Our auditory system is instead enhanced by an active process in cochlear hair cells that …

The physics of hearing: fluid mechanics and the active process of the inner ear

T Reichenbach, AJ Hudspeth - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2014 -
Most sounds of interest consist of complex, time-dependent admixtures of tones of diverse
frequencies and variable amplitudes. To detect and process these signals, the ear employs …

Hop** diffusion of nanoparticles in polymer matrices

LH Cai, S Panyukov, M Rubinstein - Macromolecules, 2015 - ACS Publications
We propose a hop** mechanism for diffusion of large nonsticky nanoparticles subjected to
topological constraints in both unentangled and entangled polymer solids (networks and …

Non-universal tracer diffusion in crowded media of non-inert obstacles

SK Ghosh, AG Cherstvy, R Metzler - Physical Chemistry Chemical …, 2015 -
We study the diffusion of a tracer particle, which moves in continuum space between a lattice
of excluded volume, immobile non-inert obstacles. In particular, we analyse how the strength …

Comparative aspects of hearing in vertebrates and insects with antennal ears

JT Albert, AS Kozlov - Current Biology, 2016 -
The evolution of hearing in terrestrial animals has resulted in remarkable adaptations
enabling exquisitely sensitive sound detection by the ear and sophisticated sound analysis …

Mechano-transduction: from molecules to tissues

BL Pruitt, AR Dunn, WI Weis, WJ Nelson - PLoS biology, 2014 -
External forces play complex roles in cell organization, fate, and homeostasis. Changes in
these forces, or how cells respond to them, can result in abnormal embryonic development …

An elastic element in the protocadherin-15 tip link of the inner ear

R Araya-Secchi, BL Neel, M Sotomayor - Nature communications, 2016 -
Tip link filaments convey force and gate inner-ear hair-cell transduction channels to mediate
perception of sound and head movements. Cadherin-23 and protocadherin-15 form tip links …

Transport of probe particles in a polymer network: effects of probe size, network rigidity and probe–polymer interaction

P Kumar, L Theeyancheri, S Chaki, R Chakrabarti - Soft Matter, 2019 -
Fundamental understanding of the effect of microscopic parameters on the dynamics of
probe particles in different complex environments has wide implications. Examples include …

An approach to generate deterministic Brownian motion

G Huerta-Cuéllar, E Jiménez-López… - … in Nonlinear Science …, 2014 - Elsevier
We propose an approach for generation of deterministic Brownian motion. By adding an
additional degree of freedom to the Langevin equation and transforming it into a system of …

Transduction channels' gating can control friction on vibrating hair-cell bundles in the ear

V Bormuth, J Barral, JF Joanny, F Jülicher… - Proceedings of the …, 2014 -
Hearing starts when sound-evoked mechanical vibrations of the hair-cell bundle activate
mechanosensitive ion channels, giving birth to an electrical signal. As for any mechanical …