The role of business capabilities in supporting organization agility and performance during the COVID-19 pandemic: An empirical study in Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the important role of business analytics capability, information
quality, and innovation capability in influencing organization agility and organization …
quality, and innovation capability in influencing organization agility and organization …
The relationship between citizen readiness and the intention to continuously use smart city services: Mediating effects of satisfaction and discomfort
The principal goals of smart cities are to improve citizens' quality of life and foster economic
growth while ensuring efficient service delivery and sustainable development. Accordingly …
growth while ensuring efficient service delivery and sustainable development. Accordingly …
The effect of strategic leadership and organization culture on business performance: an empirical study in Indonesia
Competitive Strategy is defined as the long-term plan of a particular company to gain a
competitive advantage over its competitors in the industry. The purpose of this study was to …
competitive advantage over its competitors in the industry. The purpose of this study was to …
How does humble leadership stimulate employees' service improvisation in hospitality? A social information processing perspective
IA Elhadidy, Y Gao - Kybernetes, 2024 -
Purpose Drawing on social information processing theory (SIP), this paper examines
whether and how humble leadership affects employees' service improvisation (ESI) in the …
whether and how humble leadership affects employees' service improvisation (ESI) in the …
[PDF][PDF] The impact of knowledge management processes on knowledge sharing attitude: the role of subjective norms
Abstract Constructed upon Knowledge Management (KM) processes, the current study aims
to investigate the interrelationship between Knowledge Sharing (KS) attitude among the …
to investigate the interrelationship between Knowledge Sharing (KS) attitude among the …
The impact of consumer ethnocentrism on purchase intention: an empirical study from Vietnam
Ethnocentrism in users plays an important role in predicting user behavior when deciding
between imported and domestic goods. The purpose of this study is to look into the influence …
between imported and domestic goods. The purpose of this study is to look into the influence …
Critical factors influencing revisit intention of large restaurant chains in Myanmar
Purpose: This study examined how many determinant factors (service dimensions, food
quality, and price perception) affect revisit intention. This practical concept is service quality …
quality, and price perception) affect revisit intention. This practical concept is service quality …
Impulsive buying of five star hotel Jakarta: Effect new normal era mediated of price and promotion
Consumers experience a sudden, often powerful, and persistent urge to buy something
immediately. The drive to buy is complex and may stimulate emotional conflict. Impulsive …
immediately. The drive to buy is complex and may stimulate emotional conflict. Impulsive …
The impact of quality and price on the loyalty of electronic money users: empirical evidence from Indonesia
P PUTRA, R JAYADI, I STEVEN - The Journal of Asian Finance …, 2021 -
The electronic money market in Indonesia continues to experience an increase in the
number of users and volume of transactions. However, the electronic money market …
number of users and volume of transactions. However, the electronic money market …
Determinants of intention of electronic waste recycling: Application of theory of planned behavior
This study aims to analyze the factors that influence people's behavioral intentions to recycle
waste and focus on people's perceptions of informal waste recycling. The low level of …
waste and focus on people's perceptions of informal waste recycling. The low level of …