Approaches for tailoring between-session mental health therapy activities

B Oewel, PA Arean, E Agapie - Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference …, 2024 -
Mental health activities conducted by patients between therapy sessions (or" therapy
homework") are a component of addressing anxiety and depression. However, to be …

Support for carers of young people with mental illness: design and trial of a technology-mediated therapy

R Lederman, J Gleeson, G Wadley… - ACM Transactions on …, 2019 -
In this article, we show how a technology-mediated mental health therapy involving psycho-
education, therapist moderators, and social networking can provide support for carers of …

Supporting collaborative reflection on personal values and health

ABL Berry, CY Lim, CA Liang, AL Hartzler… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
People with multiple chronic conditions (MCC) need support to understand and articulate
how their personal values relate to their health and health care. We developed three …

Creating conditions for patients' values to emerge in clinical conversations: perspectives of health care team members

ABL Berry, C Lim, AL Hartzler, T Hirsch… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 -
Eliciting, understanding, and honoring patients' values--the things most important to them in
daily life--is a cornerstone of patient-centered care. However, this rarely occurs explicitly as …

" I'd Want to Burn the Data or at Least Nobble the Numbers" Towards Data-mediated Building Management for Comfort and Energy Use

AK Clear, SM Finnigan, P Olivier… - Proceedings of the 2017 …, 2017 -
In this paper, we explore the role of pervasive environmental sensor data in workplace
building management. Current interactions between management and workplace occupants …

Supporting collaboratively constructed independence: a study of spinal cord injury

AG Buyuktur, PY Hung, MW Newman… - Proceedings of the ACM …, 2018 -
Independence is a central concern for people in the care of many chronic conditions. It is
often viewed as a goal that can be facilitated with the use of patient data. It is also viewed …

" Let's embark on a joint health journey"-How Boundary Negotiating Artifacts Influence Patients' Psychological Ownership in Chronic Care

D Staehelin, M Dolata, S Rosch, A Färber… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 -
CSCW and HCI research has a standing discourse on boundary negotiating artifacts and
psychological ownership. Both concepts are attributed the potential to address the …

Concordance: a critical participatory alternative in healthcare IT

E Grönvall, N Verdezoto, N Bagalkot… - Proceedings of The Fifth …, 2015 -
The healthcare sector is undergoing large changes in which technology is given a more
active role in both in-clinic and out-of-clinic care. Authoritative healthcare models such as …

Closing the loop from one consultation to the next: designing an integrated system to support collaboration between patients and physicians and improve patient …

A Färber - 2024 -
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adherence to treatment as" the extent to
which a person's behavior–taking medication, following a diet, and/or executing lifestyle …

[PDF][PDF] Designing to Account for Patients' Personal Values in Collaborative Care for Multiple Chronic Conditions

ABL Berry - 2019 -
In this dissertation I reexamine the nature of human values and the relationship between
values and design by reporting on the VITAL project—Valuing Important Things in Active …