Approaches for tailoring between-session mental health therapy activities
Mental health activities conducted by patients between therapy sessions (or" therapy
homework") are a component of addressing anxiety and depression. However, to be …
homework") are a component of addressing anxiety and depression. However, to be …
Support for carers of young people with mental illness: design and trial of a technology-mediated therapy
In this article, we show how a technology-mediated mental health therapy involving psycho-
education, therapist moderators, and social networking can provide support for carers of …
education, therapist moderators, and social networking can provide support for carers of …
Supporting collaborative reflection on personal values and health
People with multiple chronic conditions (MCC) need support to understand and articulate
how their personal values relate to their health and health care. We developed three …
how their personal values relate to their health and health care. We developed three …
Creating conditions for patients' values to emerge in clinical conversations: perspectives of health care team members
Eliciting, understanding, and honoring patients' values--the things most important to them in
daily life--is a cornerstone of patient-centered care. However, this rarely occurs explicitly as …
daily life--is a cornerstone of patient-centered care. However, this rarely occurs explicitly as …
" I'd Want to Burn the Data or at Least Nobble the Numbers" Towards Data-mediated Building Management for Comfort and Energy Use
In this paper, we explore the role of pervasive environmental sensor data in workplace
building management. Current interactions between management and workplace occupants …
building management. Current interactions between management and workplace occupants …
Supporting collaboratively constructed independence: a study of spinal cord injury
Independence is a central concern for people in the care of many chronic conditions. It is
often viewed as a goal that can be facilitated with the use of patient data. It is also viewed …
often viewed as a goal that can be facilitated with the use of patient data. It is also viewed …
" Let's embark on a joint health journey"-How Boundary Negotiating Artifacts Influence Patients' Psychological Ownership in Chronic Care
CSCW and HCI research has a standing discourse on boundary negotiating artifacts and
psychological ownership. Both concepts are attributed the potential to address the …
psychological ownership. Both concepts are attributed the potential to address the …
Concordance: a critical participatory alternative in healthcare IT
The healthcare sector is undergoing large changes in which technology is given a more
active role in both in-clinic and out-of-clinic care. Authoritative healthcare models such as …
active role in both in-clinic and out-of-clinic care. Authoritative healthcare models such as …
Closing the loop from one consultation to the next: designing an integrated system to support collaboration between patients and physicians and improve patient …
A Färber - 2024 - zora.uzh.ch
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adherence to treatment as" the extent to
which a person's behavior–taking medication, following a diet, and/or executing lifestyle …
which a person's behavior–taking medication, following a diet, and/or executing lifestyle …
[PDF][PDF] Designing to Account for Patients' Personal Values in Collaborative Care for Multiple Chronic Conditions
ABL Berry - 2019 - digital.lib.washington.edu
In this dissertation I reexamine the nature of human values and the relationship between
values and design by reporting on the VITAL project—Valuing Important Things in Active …
values and design by reporting on the VITAL project—Valuing Important Things in Active …