Ganga water pollution: a potential health threat to inhabitants of Ganga basin
S Dwivedi, S Mishra, RD Tripathi - Environment international, 2018 - Elsevier
Background The water quality of Ganga, the largest river in Indian sub-continent and life line
to hundreds of million people, has severely deteriorated. Studies have indicated the …
to hundreds of million people, has severely deteriorated. Studies have indicated the …
Productivity and sustainability of the rice–wheat crop** system in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of the Indian subcontinent: problems, opportunities, and strategies
Rice and wheat are the staple foods for almost the entire Asian population and therefore
they occupy a premium position among all food commodities. The era of the Green …
they occupy a premium position among all food commodities. The era of the Green …
Climate change adaptation, greenhouse gas mitigation and economic profitability of conservation agriculture: Some examples from cereal systems of Indo-Gangetic …
Achieving sustainability of the cereal system in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) of India under
progressive climate change and variability necessitates adoption of practices and …
progressive climate change and variability necessitates adoption of practices and …
Improving smallholder farmers' gross margins and labor-use efficiency across a range of crop** systems in the Eastern Gangetic Plains
Abstract The Eastern Gangetic Plains of South Asia is a region of high rural poverty and low
agronomic productivity, with crops grown using traditional management practices which are …
agronomic productivity, with crops grown using traditional management practices which are …
Use of ammonium sulphate as a sulphur fertilizer: Implications for ammonia volatilization
DS Powlson, CJ Dawson - Soil use and Management, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Ammonium sulphate is widely used as a sulphur (S) fertilizer, constituting about 50% of
global S use. Within nitrogen (N) management, it is well known that ammonium‐based …
global S use. Within nitrogen (N) management, it is well known that ammonium‐based …
Livelihood vulnerability and climate change: a comparative analysis of smallholders in the Indo-Gangetic plains
Abstract In the Indo-Gangetic Plains, one of India's most productive agricultural regions,
smallholder livelihood vulnerability can inhibit sustainable development. As there are …
smallholder livelihood vulnerability can inhibit sustainable development. As there are …
Effect of long term land use systems on fractions of glomalin and soil organic carbon in the Indo-Gangetic plain
Long-term history of tillage and crop** mediated disturbed and undisturbed use soils
effect on glomalin related soil protein (GRSP) and soil organic carbon (SOC) and on their …
effect on glomalin related soil protein (GRSP) and soil organic carbon (SOC) and on their …
Soils of India: historical perspective, classification and recent advances
T Bhattacharyya, DK Pal, C Mandal, P Chandran… - Current Science, 2013 - JSTOR
Derived from a wide range of rocks and minerals, a large variety of soils occur in the Indian
subcontinent. Soil-forming factors like climate, vegetation and topography acting for varying …
subcontinent. Soil-forming factors like climate, vegetation and topography acting for varying …
Impact of carbon inputs on soil carbon fractionation, sequestration and biological responses under major nutrient management practices for rice-wheat crop** …
AK Bhardwaj, D Rajwar, UK Mandal, S Ahamad… - Scientific reports, 2019 - nature.com
Major nutrient management systems for rice-wheat crop** were compared for their
potential to credit organic carbon (C) to the soil, its fractionation into active (very labile, VLc; …
potential to credit organic carbon (C) to the soil, its fractionation into active (very labile, VLc; …
Soils of the Indo-Gangetic Plains: a pedogenic response to landscape stability, climatic variability and anthropogenic activity during the Holocene
P Srivastava, DK Pal, KM Aruche, SP Wani… - Earth-Science …, 2015 - Elsevier
Bound by the Himalaya in the north and the Craton in the south, the Indo-Gangetic Plains
(IGP) is one of the largest fluvial plains of the world. The IGP is monotonously flat with a …
(IGP) is one of the largest fluvial plains of the world. The IGP is monotonously flat with a …