[HTML][HTML] A reliable analytic technique for the modified prototypical Kelvin–Voigt viscoelastic fluid model by means of the hyperbolic tangent function

KT Akinfe - Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics, 2023 - Elsevier
Inspired by the extensive applicability of solitons in nonlinear optics, advanced
telecommunication industry, trans-continental, and trans-oceanic systems, coupled with the …

Mathematical Modeling and Control Strategies for Nipah Virus Transmission Incorporating Bat-To-Pig-To-Human Pathway

AC Loyinmi, SO Gbodogbe - EDUCATUM Journal of Science …, 2024 - ojs.upsi.edu.my
The mathematical modeling of Nipah virus transmission, incorporating the bat-to-pig-to-
human pathway, is essential for understanding this disease dynamics and optimizing control …

[PDF][PDF] Laplace Homotopy Perturbation Method (LHPM) for solving systems of N-dimensional non-linear partial differential equation

KO Idowu, TG Akinwande, I Fayemi, UM Adam… - Al-Bahir Journal for …, 2023 - iasj.net
In this research, we proposed coupling the Laplace transform method and the homotopy
Perturbation Method (LHPM). We employed the fusion of the Laplace method to make up for …

On the interaction of the human immune system with foreign body: mathematical modeling approach

AC Loyinmi, SO Gbodogbe, KO Idowu - Kathmandu University Journal of …, 2023 - nepjol.info
In this study, we present a simple but novel mathematical model to show the interaction of
the five immunological cells in the lymphocyte family–the cytotoxic-Lymphocytes (T), B-cell …


KO Idowu, AC Loyinmi - Al-Bahir journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences, 2023 - iasj.net
The emergence of the BurgerseHuxley equation (which involves the famous Burgers
equation and the Huxley equation) to predict response systems, dispersion moves, and …

Exploring the Efficacy of the Weighted Average Method for Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: A Study on the Burger-Fisher Equation

AC Loyinmi, MD Sanyaolu… - EDUCATUM Journal of …, 2025 - ojs.upsi.edu.my
This study explores the application of the weighted average method for solving the Burger-
Fisher equation, a nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) of significant interest in …

[HTML][HTML] Integral invariant manifold method applied to a mathematical model of osteosarcoma

O Nave - Results in Control and Optimization, 2025 - Elsevier
In this study, an asymptotic method called the method of integral invariant manifold (MIM)
was applied to a mathematical model of Osteosarcoma cancer. The mathematical model …

[PDF][PDF] Magnetic Field's Effect on Two-phase Flow of Jeffrey and Non-Jeffrey Fluid With Partial Slip and Heat Transfer in an Inclined Medium

S Lot, WO Lawal, AC Loyinmi - Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure …, 2024 - iasj.net
In this paper, the effect of magnetic field on two ephase flow of Jeffrey and non-Jeffrey fluids
in an inclined medium is investigated. The flow in both medium is assumed to be set in …

Analysis of Fractional-Order Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by Using Different Techniques

M Singh, MP Singh, M Tamsir, M Asif - International Journal of Applied and …, 2025 - Springer
This work thoroughly analyses the use of sophisticated mathematical approaches in the
solution of fractional-order nonlinear dynamical systems. In particular, we use the Adomian …

Analysis of two hybrid schemes to solve the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (BBM) equation

AC Loyinmi - Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering …, 2024 - nepjol.info
In this research, we compare and contrast two numerical methods, the Laplace Adomian
Decomposition Method (LADM) and the Elzaki Projected Differential Transform Method …