The brain basis of language processing: from structure to function

AD Friederici - Physiological reviews, 2011 -
Language processing is a trait of human species. The knowledge about its neurobiological
basis has been increased considerably over the past decades. Different brain regions in the …

Prediction during language comprehension: Benefits, costs, and ERP components

C Van Petten, BJ Luka - International journal of psychophysiology, 2012 - Elsevier
Because context has a robust influence on the processing of subsequent words, the idea
that readers and listeners predict upcoming words has attracted research attention, but …

A hierarchy of linguistic predictions during natural language comprehension

M Heilbron, K Armeni, JM Schoffelen, P Hagoort… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
Understanding spoken language requires transforming ambiguous acoustic streams into a
hierarchy of representations, from phonemes to meaning. It has been suggested that the …

[CARTE][B] Language in our brain: The origins of a uniquely human capacity

AD Friederici - 2017 -
A comprehensive account of the neurobiological basis of language, arguing that species-
specific brain differences may be at the root of the human capacity for language. Language …

[CARTE][B] The Visual Language of Comics: Introduction to the Structure and Cognition of Sequential Images.

N Cohn - 2013 -
Drawings and sequential images are an integral part of human expression dating back at
least as far as cave paintings, and in contemporary society appear most prominently in …

A tale of two positivities and the N400: Distinct neural signatures are evoked by confirmed and violated predictions at different levels of representation

GR Kuperberg, T Brothers, EW Wlotko - Journal of cognitive …, 2020 -
It has been proposed that hierarchical prediction is a fundamental computational principle
underlying neurocognitive processing. Here, we ask whether the brain engages distinct …

A neurocomputational model of the N400 and the P600 in language processing

H Brouwer, MW Crocker, NJ Venhuizen… - Cognitive …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Ten years ago, researchers using event‐related brain potentials (ERPs) to study language
comprehension were puzzled by what looked like a Semantic Illusion: Semantically …

[CARTE][B] Explicit learning in the L2 classroom: A student-centered approach

RP Leow - 2015 -
Explicit Learning in the L2 Classroom offers a unique five-prong (theoretical, empirical,
methodological, pedagogical, and model building) approach to the issue of explicit learning …

[HTML][HTML] Event-related potentials index lexical retrieval (N400) and integration (P600) during language comprehension

F Delogu, H Brouwer, MW Crocker - Brain and cognition, 2019 - Elsevier
The functional interpretation of two salient language-sensitive ERP components–the N400
and the P600–remains a matter of debate. Prominent alternative accounts link the N400 to …

[CARTE][B] Music, language, and the brain

AD Patel - 2010 -
In the first comprehensive study of the relationship between music and language from the
standpoint of cognitive neuroscience, Aniruddh D. Patel challenges the widespread belief …