Why lockdown and distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic are likely to increase the social class achievement gap
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced teachers and parents to quickly adapt to a new
educational context: distance learning. Teachers developed online academic material while …
educational context: distance learning. Teachers developed online academic material while …
Symbols, meaning, and action: The past, present, and future of symbolic interactionism
Symbolic interactionism is a theoretical perspective in sociology that addresses the manner
in which society is created and maintained through face-to-face, repeated, meaningful …
in which society is created and maintained through face-to-face, repeated, meaningful …
Flexible coding of in-depth interviews: A twenty-first-century approach
Qualitative coding procedures emanating from grounded theory were limited by
technologies of the 1960s: colored pens, scissors, and index cards. Today, electronic …
technologies of the 1960s: colored pens, scissors, and index cards. Today, electronic …
(No) harm in asking: Class, acquired cultural capital, and academic engagement at an elite university
AA Jack - Sociology of Education, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
How do undergraduates engage authority figures in college? Existing explanations predict
class-based engagement strategies. Using in-depth interviews with 89 undergraduates at an …
class-based engagement strategies. Using in-depth interviews with 89 undergraduates at an …
The paradox of success at a no-excuses school
JW Golann - Sociology of education, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
No recent reform has had so profound an effect as no-excuses schools in increasing the
achievement of low-income black and Hispanic students. In the past decade, no-excuses …
achievement of low-income black and Hispanic students. In the past decade, no-excuses …
Social class and work: A review and organizing framework
Over the past decade, the topic of social class in organizations has enjoyed unexpected
growth. However, management researchers lack an in-depth understanding of what we …
growth. However, management researchers lack an in-depth understanding of what we …
[КНИГА][B] Social inequality and social stratification in US society
CB Doob - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Social Inequality and Social Stratification in US Society uses a historical and conceptual
framework to explain social stratification and social inequality. The historical scope gives …
framework to explain social stratification and social inequality. The historical scope gives …
Help-seeking behaviors as cultural capital: Cultural guides and the transition from high school to college among low-income first generation students
BN Richards - Social Problems, 2022 - academic.oup.com
This article argues that educational institutions can transmit cultural capital in the form of
help-seeking dispositions (feeling empowered to ask for and receive help) and specialized …
help-seeking dispositions (feeling empowered to ask for and receive help) and specialized …
[КНИГА][B] Class and campus life: Managing and experiencing inequality at an elite college
EM Lee - 2016 - books.google.com
In 2015, the New York Times reported," The bright children of janitors and nail salon
workers, bus drivers and fast-food cooks may not have grown up with the edifying vacations …
workers, bus drivers and fast-food cooks may not have grown up with the edifying vacations …
Culture and choice: Toward integrating cultural sociology with the judgment and decision-making sciences
Cultural sociologists frequently theorize about choices and decisions, although we tend to
shy away from this language, and from concepts that are used by the judgment and decision …
shy away from this language, and from concepts that are used by the judgment and decision …