Experimental perspective on three-dimensional topological semimetals

BQ Lv, T Qian, H Ding - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2021‏ - APS
Topological semimetals (TSMs) are characterized by bulk band crossings in their electronic
structures, which are expected to give rise to gapless electronic excitations and topological …

Topological nodal line semimetals

C Fang, H Weng, X Dai, Z Fang - Chinese Physics B, 2016‏ - iopscience.iop.org
We review the recent, mainly theoretical, progress in the study of topological nodal line
semimetals in three dimensions. In these semimetals, the conduction and the valence bands …

Discovery of topological Weyl fermion lines and drumhead surface states in a room temperature magnet

I Belopolski, K Manna, DS Sanchez, G Chang, B Ernst… - Science, 2019‏ - science.org
Topological matter is known to exhibit unconventional surface states and anomalous
transport owing to unusual bulk electronic topology. In this study, we use photoemission …

Higher-Order Topology, Monopole Nodal Lines, and the Origin of Large Fermi Arcs in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides ()

Z Wang, BJ Wieder, J Li, B Yan, BA Bernevig - Physical review letters, 2019‏ - APS
In recent years, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have garnered great interest as
topological materials. In particular, monolayers of centrosymmetric β-phase TMDs have …

Dirac cone protected by non-symmorphic symmetry and three-dimensional Dirac line node in ZrSiS

LM Schoop, MN Ali, C Straßer, A Topp… - Nature …, 2016‏ - nature.com
Materials harbouring exotic quasiparticles, such as massless Dirac and Weyl fermions, have
garnered much attention from physics and material science communities due to their …

Triple point topological metals

Z Zhu, GW Winkler, QS Wu, J Li, AA Soluyanov - Physical Review X, 2016‏ - APS
Topologically protected fermionic quasiparticles appear in metals, where band
degeneracies occur at the Fermi level, dictated by the band structure topology. While in …

Band Topology and Linking Structure of Nodal Line Semimetals with Monopole Charges

J Ahn, D Kim, Y Kim, BJ Yang - Physical review letters, 2018‏ - APS
We study the band topology and the associated linking structure of topological semimetals
with nodal lines carrying Z 2 monopole charges, which can be realized in three-dimensional …

Beyond Dirac and Weyl fermions: Unconventional quasiparticles in conventional crystals

B Bradlyn, J Cano, Z Wang, MG Vergniory, C Felser… - Science, 2016‏ - science.org
INTRODUCTION Condensed-matter systems have recently become a fertile ground for the
discovery of fermionic particles and phenomena predicted in high-energy physics; examples …

Topological semimetals predicted from first-principles calculations

H Weng, X Dai, Z Fang - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2016‏ - iopscience.iop.org
We have given a summary on our theoretical predictions of three kinds of topological
semimetals (TSMs), namely, Dirac semimetal (DSM), Weyl semimetal (WSM) and node-line …

Topological nodal-line semimetals in alkaline-earth stannides, germanides, and silicides

H Huang, J Liu, D Vanderbilt, W Duan - Physical Review B, 2016‏ - APS
Based on first-principles calculations and an effective Hamiltonian analysis, we
systematically investigate the electronic and topological properties of alkaline-earth …