Phenotypic plasticity's impacts on diversification and speciation
Phenotypic plasticity (the ability of a single genotype to produce multiple phenotypes in
response to variation in the environment) is commonplace. Yet its evolutionary significance …
response to variation in the environment) is commonplace. Yet its evolutionary significance …
A framework for understanding gene expression plasticity and its influence on stress tolerance
Phenotypic plasticity can serve as a step** stone towards adaptation. Recently, studies
have shown that gene expression contributes to emergent stress responses such as thermal …
have shown that gene expression contributes to emergent stress responses such as thermal …
Gene expression plasticity as a mechanism of coral adaptation to a variable environment
Local adaptation is ubiquitous, but the molecular mechanisms that give rise to this
ecological phenomenon remain largely unknown. A year-long reciprocal transplant of …
ecological phenomenon remain largely unknown. A year-long reciprocal transplant of …
Genotype-by-environment interaction and plasticity: exploring genomic responses of plants to the abiotic environment
DL Des Marais, KM Hernandez… - Annual Review of …, 2013 - annualreviews.org
There is considerable interest in the occurrence and molecular mechanisms of phenotypic
plasticity and genotype-by-environment interactions (G× E) in plant populations. The …
plasticity and genotype-by-environment interactions (G× E) in plant populations. The …
Phenotypic plasticity and epigenetic marking: an assessment of evidence for genetic accommodation
CD Schlichting, MA Wund - Evolution, 2014 - academic.oup.com
The relationship between genotype (which is inherited) and phenotype (the target of
selection) is mediated by environmental inputs on gene expression, trait development, and …
selection) is mediated by environmental inputs on gene expression, trait development, and …
Daphnia as a model organism to probe biological responses to nanomaterials—from individual to population effects via adverse outcome pathways
The importance of the cladoceran Daphnia as a model organism for ecotoxicity testing has
been well-established since the 1980s. Daphnia have been increasingly used in …
been well-established since the 1980s. Daphnia have been increasingly used in …
Big answers from small worlds: a user's guide for protist microcosms as a model system in ecology and evolution
Laboratory microcosm experiments using protists as model organisms have a long tradition
and are widely used to investigate general concepts in population biology, community …
and are widely used to investigate general concepts in population biology, community …
Toward a population genetic framework of developmental evolution: the costs, limits, and consequences of phenotypic plasticity
EC Snell‐Rood, JD Van Dyken, T Cruickshank… - …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Adaptive phenotypic plasticity allows organisms to cope with environmental variability, and
yet, despite its adaptive significance, phenotypic plasticity is neither ubiquitous nor infinite. In …
yet, despite its adaptive significance, phenotypic plasticity is neither ubiquitous nor infinite. In …
Characterizing genomic variation of Arabidopsis thaliana: the roles of geography and climate
Arabidopsis thaliana inhabits diverse climates and exhibits varied phenology across its
range. Although A. thaliana is an extremely well‐studied model species, the relationship …
range. Although A. thaliana is an extremely well‐studied model species, the relationship …
Rapid evolution in plant–microbe interactions–a molecular genomics perspective
Rapid (co‐) evolution at multiple timescales is a hallmark of plant–microbe interactions. The
mechanistic basis for the rapid evolution largely rests on the features of the genomes of the …
mechanistic basis for the rapid evolution largely rests on the features of the genomes of the …