Machine learning for digital soil map**: Applications, challenges and suggested solutions
The uptake of machine learning (ML) algorithms in digital soil map** (DSM) is
transforming the way soil scientists produce their maps. Within the past two decades, soil …
transforming the way soil scientists produce their maps. Within the past two decades, soil …
[HTML][HTML] Machine learning and soil sciences: A review aided by machine learning tools
The application of machine learning (ML) techniques in various fields of science has
increased rapidly, especially in the last 10 years. The increasing availability of soil data that …
increased rapidly, especially in the last 10 years. The increasing availability of soil data that …
Selecting appropriate machine learning methods for digital soil map**
Digital soil map** (DSM) increasingly makes use of machine learning algorithms to
identify relationships between soil properties and multiple covariates that can be detected …
identify relationships between soil properties and multiple covariates that can be detected …
[HTML][HTML] Map** LUCAS topsoil chemical properties at European scale using Gaussian process regression
This paper presents the second part of the map** of topsoil properties based on the Land
Use and Cover Area frame Survey (LUCAS). The first part described the physical properties …
Use and Cover Area frame Survey (LUCAS). The first part described the physical properties …
Map** soil properties of Africa at 250 m resolution: Random forests significantly improve current predictions
80% of arable land in Africa has low soil fertility and suffers from physical soil problems.
Additionally, significant amounts of nutrients are lost every year due to unsustainable soil …
Additionally, significant amounts of nutrients are lost every year due to unsustainable soil …
An overview and comparison of machine-learning techniques for classification purposes in digital soil map**
Abstract Machine-learning is the automated process of uncovering patterns in large datasets
using computer-based statistical models, where a fitted model may then be used for …
using computer-based statistical models, where a fitted model may then be used for …
Machine learning in precision agriculture: a survey on trends, applications and evaluations over two decades
Precision agriculture represents the new age of conventional agriculture. This is made
possible by the advancement of various modern technologies such as the internet of things …
possible by the advancement of various modern technologies such as the internet of things …
Predicting uncertainty of machine learning models for modelling nitrate pollution of groundwater using quantile regression and UNEEC methods
Although estimating the uncertainty of models used for modelling nitrate contamination of
groundwater is essential in groundwater management, it has been generally ignored. This …
groundwater is essential in groundwater management, it has been generally ignored. This …
Digital map** of soil organic carbon at multiple depths using different data mining techniques in Baneh region, Iran
This study aimed to map SOC lateral, and vertical variations down to 1 m depth in a semi-
arid region in Kurdistan Province, Iran. Six data mining techniques namely; artificial neural …
arid region in Kurdistan Province, Iran. Six data mining techniques namely; artificial neural …
Spatial prediction of soil organic carbon using machine learning techniques in western Iran
Estimation of soil organic carbon (SOC) is very useful for accurate monitoring of carbon
sequestration. However, there are still significant gaps in the knowledge of SOC reserves in …
sequestration. However, there are still significant gaps in the knowledge of SOC reserves in …