The remarkable underlying ground states of cuprate superconductors
C Proust, L Taillefer - Annual Review of Condensed Matter …, 2019 - annualreviews.org
Cuprates exhibit exceptionally strong superconductivity. To understand why, it is essential to
elucidate the nature of the electronic interactions that cause pairing. Superconductivity …
elucidate the nature of the electronic interactions that cause pairing. Superconductivity …
From quantum matter to high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides
The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in the copper oxides in 1986 triggered
a huge amount of innovative scientific inquiry. In the almost three decades since, much has …
a huge amount of innovative scientific inquiry. In the almost three decades since, much has …
Absence of 3a0 charge density wave order in the infinite-layer nickelate NdNiO2
A hallmark of many unconventional superconductors is the presence of many-body
interactions that give rise to broken-symmetry states intertwined with superconductivity …
interactions that give rise to broken-symmetry states intertwined with superconductivity …
Ultrafast optical spectroscopy of strongly correlated materials and high-temperature superconductors: a non-equilibrium approach
In the last two decades non-equilibrium spectroscopies have evolved from avant-garde
studies to crucial tools for expanding our understanding of the physics of strongly correlated …
studies to crucial tools for expanding our understanding of the physics of strongly correlated …
Nonlinear lattice dynamics as a basis for enhanced superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6.5
R Mankowsky, A Subedi, M Först, SO Mariager… - Nature, 2014 - nature.com
Terahertz-frequency optical pulses can resonantly drive selected vibrational modes in solids
and deform their crystal structures,,. In complex oxides, this method has been used to melt …
and deform their crystal structures,,. In complex oxides, this method has been used to melt …
Resonant x-ray scattering studies of charge order in cuprates
R Comin, A Damascelli - Annual Review of Condensed Matter …, 2016 - annualreviews.org
X-ray techniques have been used for more than a century to study the atomic and electronic
structure in practically any type of material. The advent of correlated electron systems, in …
structure in practically any type of material. The advent of correlated electron systems, in …
Change of carrier density at the pseudogap critical point of a cuprate superconductor
The pseudogap is a partial gap in the electronic density of states that opens in the normal
(non-superconducting) state of cuprate superconductors and whose origin is a long …
(non-superconducting) state of cuprate superconductors and whose origin is a long …
Thermodynamic evidence for a nematic phase transition at the onset of the pseudogap in YBa2Cu3Oy
A long-standing controversial issue in the quest to understand the superconductivity in
cuprates is the nature of the enigmatic pseudogap region of the phase diagram. Especially …
cuprates is the nature of the enigmatic pseudogap region of the phase diagram. Especially …
Colloquium: Theory of intertwined orders in high temperature superconductors
The electronic phase diagrams of many highly correlated systems, and, in particular, the
cuprate high temperature superconductors, are complex, with many different phases …
cuprate high temperature superconductors, are complex, with many different phases …
Charge correlations in cuprate superconductors
SM Hayden, JM Tranquada - Annual Review of Condensed …, 2024 - annualreviews.org
High-temperature superconductivity, with transition temperatures up to≈ 134 K at ambient
pressure, occurs in layered cuprate compounds. The conducting CuO2 planes, which are …
pressure, occurs in layered cuprate compounds. The conducting CuO2 planes, which are …