[HTML][HTML] Towards a bright side of technostress in higher education teachers: Identifying several antecedents and outcomes of techno-eustress

L Nascimento, MF Correia, CB Califf - Technology in Society, 2024 - Elsevier
A bstract Digital education initiatives require higher education teachers (HETs) to include
more technology in teaching and research. HETs therefore may experience technostress, a …

Factors influencing teacher's technostress experienced in using emerging technology: A qualitative study

ZN Khlaif, M Sanmugam, AI Joma, A Odeh… - Technology, Knowledge …, 2023 - Springer
In this era of rapid technology growth, many countries have begun to adopt emerging
technologies into their educational systems to improve learning outcomes. The aim of this …

Technostress and employee performance nexus during COVID-19: training and creative self-efficacy as moderators

F Saleem, MI Malik, SS Qureshi, MF Farid… - Frontiers in …, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Technostress, a stressor, has implications for employee's psychological states; however,
flexibility like work from home can have positive outcomes, especially for instructors who …

Technostress management at the workplace: A systematic literature review

K Pflügner - 2022 - aisel.aisnet.org
Technostress is a major problem for employees and organizations, as it impairs employee
health and weakens organizational performance. Therefore, it is relevant to effectively …

Technostress mitigation: an experimental study of social support during a computer freeze

C Weinert, C Maier, S Laumer, T Weitzel - Journal of Business Economics, 2020 - Springer
Abstract In situations when Information Systems (IS) do not work as intended, using IS might
hinder their users and let them perceive technostress; this then comes along with reduced …

How to prevent technostress at the digital workplace: a Delphi study

M Berger, R Schäfer, M Schmidt, C Regal… - Journal of Business …, 2024 - Springer
Technostress is a rising issue in the changing world of digital work. Technostress can cause
severe adverse outcomes for individuals and organizations. Thus, organizations face the …

How adolescents cope with technostress: A mixed-methods approach

M Schmidt, L Frank, H Gimpel - International Journal of Electronic …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A broad stream of research strives to understand stress directly or indirectly
resulting from the use of information and communication technology (ICT), commonly …

The role of co-worker support for tackling techno stress along with these influences on need for recovery and work motivation

H Hessari, T Nategh - International Journal of Intellectual …, 2022 - inderscienceonline.com
Technology has direct impacts on the survival of the organisation. Its main negative
consequence is destructive stress called'technostress'. This paper aims to survey the effect …

The Facebook sabbatical as a cycle: Describing the gendered experience of young adults as they navigate disconnection and reconnection

J Franks, R Chenhall, L Keogh - Social Media+ Society, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Young adults are known to adopt Facebook (FB) sabbaticals as a co** strategy for FB-
induced technostress, which are often linked to problematic overuse habits. Yet, there has …

[PDF][PDF] Technostress and job outcomes: A systematic literature review

MISH Ibrahim, ZKM Makhbul, AH Ayob - Jurnal Pengurusan, 2023 - researchgate.net
The use of technology in daily life and tasks has led to a variety of job outcomes. These were
previously referred to under various terms and concepts used by past researchers. A …