Unions in decline? What has changed and why
M Wallerstein, B Western - Annual Review of Political Science, 2000 - annualreviews.org
Between 1950 and 1980, labor markets grew increasingly organized in advanced industrial
societies. Union membership in most countries expanded more rapidly than the labor force …
societies. Union membership in most countries expanded more rapidly than the labor force …
From comparative public policy to political economy: putting political institutions in their place and taking interests seriously
J Pontusson - Comparative political studies, 1995 - journals.sagepub.com
The historical institutionalist tradition in comparative politics commonly assigns analytical
primacy to political institutions. Whereas this polity-centeredness may be quite justifiable for …
primacy to political institutions. Whereas this polity-centeredness may be quite justifiable for …
Welfare-state retrenchment revisited: entitlement cuts, public sector restructuring, and inegalitarian trends in advanced capitalist societies
R Clayton, J Pontusson - World politics, 1998 - cambridge.org
In recent years it has become commonplace for comparativists to emphasize the resilience
of welfare states in advanced capitalist societies and the failure of neoliberal efforts to …
of welfare states in advanced capitalist societies and the failure of neoliberal efforts to …
[КНИГА][B] The London stock exchange: A history
R Michie - 2001 - books.google.com
In 2001, the London Stock Exchange will be 200 years old, though its origins go back a
century before that. This book traces the history of the London Stock Exchange from its …
century before that. This book traces the history of the London Stock Exchange from its …
The networked polity: Regional development in Western Europe
C Ansell - Governance, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
Drawing together work in comparative politics, public administration, organization theory,
and economic sociology, this article describes a distinctive form of modern polity‐the …
and economic sociology, this article describes a distinctive form of modern polity‐the …
Inefficient redistribution
There are many well-developed theories that explain why governments redistribute income,
but very few can explain why this often is done in a socially inefficient form. In the theory we …
but very few can explain why this often is done in a socially inefficient form. In the theory we …
La adaptación del sindicalismo argentino a las reformas de mercado en la primera presidencia de Menem
MV Murillo - Desarrollo económico, 1997 - JSTOR
Este artículo trata de las diferentes estrategias sindicales frente al viraje del peronismo
hacia políticas pro mercado. Dichas políticas amenazan las instituciones corporativas que …
hacia políticas pro mercado. Dichas políticas amenazan las instituciones corporativas que …
[КНИГА][B] People out of place: Globalization, human rights and the citizenship gap
G Shafir - 2004 - books.google.com
Globalization pushes people" out of place"--across borders, out of traditions, into markets,
and away from the rights of national citizenship. But globalization also contributes to the …
and away from the rights of national citizenship. But globalization also contributes to the …
The resha** and dissolution of social class in advanced society
J Pakulski, M Waters - Theory and Society, 1996 - JSTOR
In 1958 Robert Nisbet declared to a meeting of the American Sociological Association in
Seattle that:" the term social class is by now use-ful in historical sociology, in comparative or …
Seattle that:" the term social class is by now use-ful in historical sociology, in comparative or …
From class to culture
M Hechter - American Journal of Sociology, 2004 - journals.uchicago.edu
This article contends that class politics has receded in advanced capitalist societies during
the last century, while cultural politics has increased, and it focuses on social and political …
the last century, while cultural politics has increased, and it focuses on social and political …