A2B′ B ″O6 perovskites: a review
S Vasala, M Karppinen - Progress in solid state chemistry, 2015 - Elsevier
The B-site substituted perovskite oxides A 2 B′ B ″O 6 have in the recent decades gained
an increasing amount of interest due to their various interesting properties and possible …
an increasing amount of interest due to their various interesting properties and possible …
Spin-liquid-like state in a spin-1/2 square-lattice antiferromagnet perovskite induced by d10–d0 cation mixing
A quantum spin liquid state has long been predicted to arise in spin-1/2 Heisenberg square-
lattice antiferromagnets at the boundary region between Néel (nearest-neighbor interaction …
lattice antiferromagnets at the boundary region between Néel (nearest-neighbor interaction …
Landscape of Thermodynamic Stabilities of A2BB′O6 Compounds
Perovskite oxides have been extensively studied for their wide range of compositions and
structures, as well as their valuable properties for various applications. Expanding from …
structures, as well as their valuable properties for various applications. Expanding from …
[КНИГА][B] Fundamentals of perovskite oxides: synthesis, structure, properties and applications
This textbook entitled Fundamentals of Perovskite Oxides: Synthesis, Structure, Properties
and Applications summarizes the structure, synthesis routes, and potential applications of …
and Applications summarizes the structure, synthesis routes, and potential applications of …
Comparison of the crystal chemistry of tellurium (VI), molybdenum (VI), and tungsten (VI) in double perovskite oxides and related materials
AV Flores, AE Krueger, AJ Stiner, HM Albert… - Progress in Solid State …, 2019 - Elsevier
A comprehensive structural comparison of 56 Te 6+-, Mo 6+-, and W 6+-containing oxides
with the double perovskite stoichiometry (A 2 BB′ O 6) is presented. This work shows that …
with the double perovskite stoichiometry (A 2 BB′ O 6) is presented. This work shows that …
Extreme suppression of antiferromagnetic order and critical scaling in a two-dimensional random quantum magnet
Sr 2 CuTeO 6 is a square-lattice Néel antiferromagnet with superexchange between first-
neighbor S= 1/2 Cu spins mediated by plaquette centered Te ions. Substituting Te by W, the …
neighbor S= 1/2 Cu spins mediated by plaquette centered Te ions. Substituting Te by W, the …
Tuning the square-lattice antiferromagnet from Néel order to quantum disorder to columnar order
The spin-1/2 square-lattice Heisenberg model is predicted to have a quantum disordered
ground state when magnetic frustration is maximized by competing nearest-neighbor J 1 …
ground state when magnetic frustration is maximized by competing nearest-neighbor J 1 …
Magnetic structure of the quasi-two-dimensional square-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet
The magnetic structure of the double perovskite compound Sr 2 CuTeO 6 was determined
from neutron powder diffraction data. This material is magnetically described as an S= 1/2 …
from neutron powder diffraction data. This material is magnetically described as an S= 1/2 …
Exchange interactions mediated by nonmagnetic cations in double perovskites
Establishing the physical mechanism governing exchange interactions is fundamental for
exploring exotic phases such as quantum spin liquids in real materials. In this Letter, we …
exploring exotic phases such as quantum spin liquids in real materials. In this Letter, we …
Valence-bond-glass state with a singlet gap in the spin- square-lattice random Heisenberg antiferromagnet
M Watanabe, N Kurita, H Tanaka, W Ueno, K Matsui… - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
The double-perovskite compounds Sr 2 CuTeO 6 and Sr 2 CuWO 6 are magnetically
described as quasi-two-dimensional spin-1 2 square-lattice J 1-J 2 Heisenberg …
described as quasi-two-dimensional spin-1 2 square-lattice J 1-J 2 Heisenberg …