Towards a cyclical concept of real-world laboratories: a transdisciplinary research practice for sustainability transitions

M Wanner, A Hilger, J Westerkowski… - disP-The Planning …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
The transformative research approach of Real-World Laboratories (RWL) has recently
attracted attention in German sustainability science. Some definitions and understandings …

FALKE: Experiences from transdisciplinary educational research by fourteen disciplines

A Schilcher, S Krauss, P Kirchhoff, A Lindl… - Frontiers in …, 2021 -
This article details how the FALKE research project (Fa chspezifische L ehrer k ompetenzen
im E rklären; Engl.: subject-specific teacher competency in explaining) integrates 14 …

Promising degrees of stakeholder interaction in research for sustainable development

F Schneider, T Buser - Sustainability Science, 2018 - Springer
Stakeholder interactions are increasingly viewed as an important element of research for
sustainable development. But to what extent, how, and for which goals should stakeholders …

Research funding programmes aiming for societal transformations: ten key stages

F Schneider, T Buser, R Keller… - Science and Public …, 2019 -
Societal issues such as poverty, water scarcity, and food insecurity make it more important
than ever for science to produce knowledge that is relevant to address serious challenges …

[PDF][PDF] Didaktische, organisatorische und technologische Grundlagen von E-Portfolios und Analyse internationaler Beispiele und Erfahrungen mit E-Portfolio …

V Hornung-Prähauser, G Geser, W Hilzensauer… - … . Verfügbar unter: http …, 2007 -
E-Portfolios sind seit 2004 ein Forschungsinteresse im Anwendungsfeld „EduMedia “der
landeseigenen Forschungseinrichtung Salzburg Research, das sich aus interdisziplinärer …

Evaluating research beyond scientific impacthow to include criteria for productive interactions and impact on practice and society

B Wolf, T Lindenthal, M Szerencsits… - … for Science and …, 2013 -
Currently, established research evaluation focuses on scientific impact–that is, the impact of
research on science itself. We discuss extending research evaluation to cover productive …

Communication tools and their support for integration in transdisciplinary research projects

C Fischer, V Radinger-Peer, L Krainer… - Humanities and Social …, 2024 -
This study investigated how different communication tools support integration in
transdisciplinary research. Ten digital and analogue tools with different communication …

Sammelbesprechung: Transdisziplinarität: Versuch einer Kartografierung des Feldes

AD Bührmann, Y Franke - … /Forum: Qualitative Social …, 2018 -
Transdisciplinary research is gaining momentum within the German-speaking scientific
community. We would like to present four anthologies on the topic and thus assess the field …

[PDF][PDF] Gestaltung transdisziplinärer Forschung

C Pohl, G Hirsch Hadorn - Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis, 2008 -
Wissensfortschritt in den Disziplinen und der gesellschaftliche Konsens über wirtschaftlich-
technischen Fortschritt bilden die Grundlage für die Identifizierung und Strukturierung von …

Design and insights gained in a real-world laboratory for the implementation of new coastal protection strategies

D Kempa, L Karrasch, T Schlurmann, M Prominski… - Sustainability, 2023 -
Novel strategies in coastal protection are needed to cope with climate change-induced sea
level rise. They aim at the sustainable development of coastal areas in light of intensification …