Towards a cyclical concept of real-world laboratories: a transdisciplinary research practice for sustainability transitions
M Wanner, A Hilger, J Westerkowski… - disP-The Planning …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
The transformative research approach of Real-World Laboratories (RWL) has recently
attracted attention in German sustainability science. Some definitions and understandings …
attracted attention in German sustainability science. Some definitions and understandings …
FALKE: Experiences from transdisciplinary educational research by fourteen disciplines
This article details how the FALKE research project (Fa chspezifische L ehrer k ompetenzen
im E rklären; Engl.: subject-specific teacher competency in explaining) integrates 14 …
im E rklären; Engl.: subject-specific teacher competency in explaining) integrates 14 …
Promising degrees of stakeholder interaction in research for sustainable development
Stakeholder interactions are increasingly viewed as an important element of research for
sustainable development. But to what extent, how, and for which goals should stakeholders …
sustainable development. But to what extent, how, and for which goals should stakeholders …
Research funding programmes aiming for societal transformations: ten key stages
Societal issues such as poverty, water scarcity, and food insecurity make it more important
than ever for science to produce knowledge that is relevant to address serious challenges …
than ever for science to produce knowledge that is relevant to address serious challenges …
[PDF][PDF] Didaktische, organisatorische und technologische Grundlagen von E-Portfolios und Analyse internationaler Beispiele und Erfahrungen mit E-Portfolio …
V Hornung-Prähauser, G Geser, W Hilzensauer… - … . Verfügbar unter: http …, 2007 - fnma.at
E-Portfolios sind seit 2004 ein Forschungsinteresse im Anwendungsfeld „EduMedia “der
landeseigenen Forschungseinrichtung Salzburg Research, das sich aus interdisziplinärer …
landeseigenen Forschungseinrichtung Salzburg Research, das sich aus interdisziplinärer …
Evaluating research beyond scientific impacthow to include criteria for productive interactions and impact on practice and society
B Wolf, T Lindenthal, M Szerencsits… - … for Science and …, 2013 - ingentaconnect.com
Currently, established research evaluation focuses on scientific impact–that is, the impact of
research on science itself. We discuss extending research evaluation to cover productive …
research on science itself. We discuss extending research evaluation to cover productive …
Communication tools and their support for integration in transdisciplinary research projects
This study investigated how different communication tools support integration in
transdisciplinary research. Ten digital and analogue tools with different communication …
transdisciplinary research. Ten digital and analogue tools with different communication …
Sammelbesprechung: Transdisziplinarität: Versuch einer Kartografierung des Feldes
AD Bührmann, Y Franke - … /Forum: Qualitative Social …, 2018 - qualitative-research.net
Transdisciplinary research is gaining momentum within the German-speaking scientific
community. We would like to present four anthologies on the topic and thus assess the field …
community. We would like to present four anthologies on the topic and thus assess the field …
[PDF][PDF] Gestaltung transdisziplinärer Forschung
C Pohl, G Hirsch Hadorn - Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis, 2008 - ssoar.info
Wissensfortschritt in den Disziplinen und der gesellschaftliche Konsens über wirtschaftlich-
technischen Fortschritt bilden die Grundlage für die Identifizierung und Strukturierung von …
technischen Fortschritt bilden die Grundlage für die Identifizierung und Strukturierung von …
Design and insights gained in a real-world laboratory for the implementation of new coastal protection strategies
Novel strategies in coastal protection are needed to cope with climate change-induced sea
level rise. They aim at the sustainable development of coastal areas in light of intensification …
level rise. They aim at the sustainable development of coastal areas in light of intensification …