Do regenerative grazing management practices improve vegetation and soil health in grazed rangelands? Preliminary insights from a space-for-time study in the …

R Bartley, BN Abbott, A Ghahramani, A Ali… - The Rangeland …, 2023 - CSIRO Publishing
Regenerative grazing, which generally involves some form of rotational grazing with
strategic rest, is increasingly seen as a profitable management approach that will accelerate …

Longer rest periods for intensive rotational grazing limit diet quality of sheep without enhancing environmental benefits

WB Badgery - African Journal of Range & Forage Science, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Intensive rotational grazing systems (also called cell grazing, holistic grazing or time-
controlled grazing) are often implemented to improve production and environmental …

Modelling Chinese grassland systems to improve herder livelihoods and grassland sustainability

K Behrendt, T Takahashi, DR Kemp, G Han… - The Rangeland …, 2020 - CSIRO Publishing
Recent degradation of Chinese grasslands has contributed to declining herder productivity
and profitability, increased incidence of dust storms and regionally reduced air quality …

Designing a grazing-system experiment for variable native pastures and flexible lamb-production systems

WB Badgery, D Mitchell, GD Millar… - Animal Production …, 2017 - CSIRO Publishing
Grazing-system experiments address complex interactions among animals, pastures, soils,
climate and management. As part of the national EverGraze program, a grazing-system …

Livestock weights in response to three whole-farmlet management systems

GN Hinch, J Hoad, M Lollback, S Hatcher… - Animal Production …, 2013 - CSIRO Publishing
This paper reports changes in livestock weights recorded in a whole-farmlet experiment,
which aimed to examine the profitability and sustainability of three different pasture and …

Whole-farm management of soil nutrients drives productive grazing systems: the Cicerone farmlet experiment confirms earlier research

CN Guppy, C Edwards, GJ Blair… - Animal Production …, 2013 - CSIRO Publishing
The Cicerone Project included a study of three 53-ha farmlets, each subjected to a different
management system. The systems varied first in their input of fertilisers and sown pastures …

Comparing the climate experienced during the Cicerone farmlet experiment against the climatic record

K Behrendt, JM Scott, DF Mackay… - Animal Production …, 2013 - CSIRO Publishing
Farming systems research conducted under dryland conditions is subject to the vagaries of
the climate during the experimental period. Whether such an experiment experiences a …

Delivering extension and adult learning outcomes from the Cicerone Project by 'comparing, measuring, learning and adopting'

C Edwards, C Gaden, R Marchant… - Animal Production …, 2013 - CSIRO Publishing
The Cicerone Project was a partnership between livestock producers, researchers and
extension specialists on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia that …

Balancing animal, pasture and environmental outcomes in grazing management experiments

DL Michalk, WB Badgery, DR Kemp - Animal Production Science, 2017 - CSIRO Publishing
About 60% of the gross value of Australia's agriculture (AU $49 billion) is produced from the
85 million ha of temperate grasslands of southern Australia. A large part of this production …

Reflections on the concept, conduct and findings of the producer-led Cicerone Project

T Coventry, H Sutherland, M Waters… - Animal Production …, 2013 - CSIRO Publishing
The Cicerone Project began as a producer-led partnership that sought, over a period of 8
years, to enhance the profitability and sustainability of livestock enterprises by improving the …